Page 1: ...㥋 ᘓᘯ ᗟ ᶟ ⴋཋ Ꮳ㐋Ꮳᶿ ṿ 㢣 1 ᬷ㢧 㐧 ᜏ ṿ ẃ ᑓཋ ᜤ ᘓᘯ1 Try Scanning 1 Place a document on the document glass and close the document cover 2 Start ArcSoft PhotoStudio For Windows Select start All Programs ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5 5 then click PhotoStudio 5 5 For Macintosh Open Applications PhotoStudio folders then double click the PhotoStudio icon 3 Click File menu Select Source and select the scanner model For W...
Page 2: ...1 यؑጺಇᒳ ޗ ᄚᅒጺ ع κƥၦَ ى κಞхሣˊ 2 ٦ ArcSoft PhotoStudioˊ ޗ Windows ϔƳᨢஶ ਥࡺ ơ ണƢጫ ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5 5 ƥ ၦَ ת ա PhotoStudio 5 5 ˊ ޗ Macintosh ϔƳ୧ਥ Applications ơਁᅶጫ Ƣ PhotoStudio ಞхࡀƥ ၦَ آ ա PhotoStudio ތ ඓˊ 3 ת ա File ơಞхƢᚚ ת ƥ Select Source ơᨢஶൌྶƢ ƥၦَᨢஶ ఞо߉ ˊؿ ޗ Windows ϔƳ ׅ ᨢஶ߉ ٍؿ ጣϔ ׇ ٢ WIA ሇ߉ ˊؿ 4 ת աᚊ ތئ ඓ ٦ ScanGearˊ 5 ޗ Select Source ơᨢஶൌྶƢϔᨢஶ ᠳ ఞሇؑጺᏚ߉ƥၦَ ת ա Preview ơᲒᠼƢ ˊ 6 ת ա Scan ơ ఞƢਥ...
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