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Games & Puzzles
Pirate Ship
Ship ahoy! There’s lots to talk and laugh
about in this large action packed shaped
jigsaw puzzle of a pirate galleon.
Order: O/228
Party, Party, Party!
Come on everyone, the party’s started!
Race to fill your handbag with fun
accessories and be the first to join your
friends on the dance floor! A great game
for girls’ sleepover parties.
Order: O/042
Dinosaur Discovery
Discover the prehistoric world by looking
for creatures and plants as you complete
this jigsaw puzzle. Then check the border
to find out more about them. Includes a
helpful key chart.
Order: O/272
World Map
Explore the countries and continents of the
World discovering fascinating landmarks,
animals and much, much more! Links with
Early Learning Goals in Knowledge and
Understanding of the World and
Communication, Language and Literacy
Order: O/280
Tell the Time
Say the time out loud and try and make a
match on your activity-packed playing
board. Children learn and develop
numeracy skills with analogue and digital
times. Play value may be extended by also
using the Penguin Clock Face.
Order: O/015
British Isles Puzzle and Poster
Learn about different places in the United
Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland with
this bright, detailed map puzzle. A large,
colourful poster full of interesting facts
and figures about each of the five
countries is included with the jisaw.
Order: O/0227
Learn to build sentences and see what
nonsense combinations you can make by
mixing the beginning, middle and end
pieces. Links with Early Learning Goals in
Personal, Social and Emotional
Development and Communication,
Language and Literacy.
Order: O/213
Piggy in the Middle
How much money can you save? A fun
game to help children learn about money.
Travel round the board, earning and
spending your pocket money as you go,
in a race to fill your piggy bank!
Order: O/051
Trouvons L’image
French find the picture Lotto game. Learn
over 65 French words with five different
games, developed in association with
Linguaphone. Children listen to the tape
and look for the named object on their
picture board. Comes with two CD’s, and
in French and one in English. Includes a
pronunciation guide to help develop
language skills.
Order: O/059