Canon AS 6 Instructions For Use Manual Download Page 16

Summary of Contents for AS 6

Page 1: ...www orphancameras com...

Page 2: ...Canon 45 5 tr lNSTRUCTIONS www orphancameras com...

Page 3: ...pthoftenmeters 3 3 ft r lt s a good ideato acquaint yourself withthe And there smore Withthe close upunityou camera by firsttakingsomepictures withoul can fill the wholepicture framewithflow ers any f...

Page 4: ...T ia T jj ri i T ffi www orphancameras com...

Page 5: spare Close up Unit for A5 6 B Close up Lens AS lens for close up photography 9 Close up Frame AS for close up photography onland 10 Close up RodAS forclose up photography underwater 11 SoftCasefor...

Page 6: ...F l a s h P h o t o g r a p h y p 2 3 8 close upPhotosraphy on Land p 25 9 U n d e r w a t e r P h o t o g r a p h y p 2 8 1 0 U n d e r w a t e r F l a s h P h o t o g r a p h y p 2 9 1 1 C l o s e u...

Page 7: ...p of thestrap withtwo ringsthrough thelowerbarleav ingapprox 25 cm 10in length fromthe tipasshown 3 Attacnthelenscapto thestrapin 2 as shown Movetheneckstrap ringto position A see illustration whenatt...

Page 8: ...www orphancameras com...

Page 9: ...rter o Pleasedo not use Ni Cdbatteries 1 Witha cointurnthebattery release switch O inthedirection ofthearrow until theyellow markisaligned withtheyellow line Fromthe bottomof thecamera the headoftheba...

Page 10: ...hebattery chamber waterproof 4 Checkthatthe batterychamber is clean Whenitisdirty wipeitwitha clean drycloth lf the O ringor thebattery chamber rsdirtyor scratched water and dirt enterthe cameraand da...

Page 11: ...sedlt canbe in serted inonlyonedirection 2 Releasingthe Shutter Button Lock Slidetheshutter buttonlock in thedi rection ofthearrow Shootingis rmpossrble unlessthe shutterbutton lock rs released When t...

Page 12: ...indow withyourhandandpresstheshutter button O halfway downwhilelooking through theviewfinder 2 lf theredlampintheviewfinder blinks rapidly battery powerissufficient 3 lf the redlampdoesnotlightor the...

Page 13: ...n g ed e p e n d i n g o n t h e b a t t e r i e sT h e s en u m b e r sa r e o n l y a p p r o x i mations lf the batteriesare loaded incorrectly the lamp will not blink Check to make surethey are c...

Page 14: ...00film F r l ms p e e d r n d r c a t e s s e n s r t i v i t y o f t h e fr l mt o I r g h t T h e g r e a t e rt h e n u m b e ra f t e r l S O t h e m o r e s e n s i t r v e t h e fr i m a n d t h...

Page 15: ...sert thelower protruding endof the film cartridge intothebottom of thefilm chamber first fitting theorange gearinto thefilmshaftThenswingtheother endof thecartridge in Thecartridge should be fullyseat...

Page 16: ...g mark t inthelowerright hand corner ofthefilmchamber l f t h e f i l m l e a d e r e x t e n d s p a s t t h e p o s i t i o n i n g mark manuallyrewindthe excessfilm back into the cartridge Filmwill...

Page 17: ...urface 4 Checkthat the packing thebtack rubber isnotloose ortwisted Thepackingmakesthe camerabody waterproof 5 Checkthatthebackcovermating sur faceis clean lf it is dirty wipeit witha clean drycloth 1...

Page 18: cover fittingis dirtyor scratched water and dirt can enterthe camera and may resultindamage lf this is the case see page 40 for furtherinfor mationaboutcareof the packing rocketTeeth ilmPerforation...

Page 19: ...e n c l o s i n gt h e b a c k c o v e r b e c a r e f u l n o t t o c l o s e t h e neckstrap inthe buckle 7 Press theshutter buttonO repeatedly until 1 appears intheframe counter lf the framecounte...

Page 20: ...cessory shoe E on thetopof thecamera Latch therubber strap s hookO overtheacces sory shoesothattheyfitsnugly together Makesurethatthe rubber strao doesnotcover theviewf inder Dortheflash ready lamp Of...

Page 21: ...o removethe lenscap before shootrng A partof the accessorybaseAS can be seen i n t h e p r c t u r efr a m e t h r o u g ht h e v i e w fi n d e r but rtdoesnot appearrnthe prcture 2 Gently pressthesh...

Page 22: ...rwill automatically advance the film to the nextframe As thefilmad vances theframecounter willalsoad vanceoneframe lt can countup to 36 frames Be suretheflashhead O lensO and exposure metering window...

Page 23: ...In such caseswe recommend the sports finder ASinstead ofthecamera s viewfin der 1 Slidethesports finder AS intotheac cessoryshoe E in thedirection of the arrow untilyouheara clickindicating the finder...

Page 24: ...erAS is just a substitutefor the camera sfinder and there is some parallax The best pointfrom which to look throughthe sports fi n d e r A S i s 6 5 c m 2 6 i n b e h i n dt h e c e n t e r hole Fromt...

Page 25: ...a lamp is behrndyoursublect o lftherersa brightwindowat yoursublect s back o lf yoursublectis in shadow In thelastthreecases theflashwillpre ventyoursubject fromturning outtoo darkif it is between 1 5...

Page 26: ...e a d yl a m p h a s l i g h t e d t h e red vrewfrnder lamp will blink but the expo surewrllstrllbe correct D o n o t p r e s s t h e s h u t t e rb u t t o nb e f o r et h e flash ready lamp has com...

Page 27: ...h o o t i n g d i s t a n c e f r o m t h e camerato the subjectis fixed Attachthe c l o s e u pl e n s A S a n d u s e t h e c l o s e u p frameASto measureshooting distance 1 Attachthe close uolens...

Page 28: ...u a l s u b j e c t a r e a i s a p p r o x r m a t e l y 5 cm x 7 cm The height of the area is markedby the upperand lowermarkrngs on the vertrcal f r a m e c o m p o n e n t s a n d t h e w i d t h...

Page 29: ...tly presstheshutter button O half waydownandcheckforviewfinder warn ings lftheredlampis notblinking check again thatthesubject iswithin theactual subject area andpresstheshutter button allthewaydownto...

Page 30: ...ntothe viewfinder D ThesportsfinderAS is provided forunderwater viewing 1 Attachthe sports frnder ASto theac cessory baseAS Refer to page21 2 Lookthrough thecenterhole of the sports finder ASandaimita...

Page 31: ...iewfinder warn ings lf theredlampis notblinking press theshutter button allthewaydowntotake thepicture lf theredlampblinksrapidly switch toflash L_ C enterM ar k lf theredlampblinks rapidly whenpress...

Page 32: ...nland Forclose upphotography underwater withtheA5 6 attach theclose up lensAS to thebodyand useclose up rodASto measure correct subject distance 1 Remove rodA andscrewittothetipof rodB 2 Fo attach the...

Page 33: ...Area 4 Touchthetip of therodto thesubject Theactualsubject area measured from3 cm 1 2in above thetipoftherod isap proximately 12cmx 17cm 4 7in x6 7 in lfduringusethecamerais outof thewater be sureto...

Page 34: ...esstheshutter button allthewaydowntotakethepicture lf theredlampblinksrapidly turnon the flash See page23 Withunderwater close ups using flash onlyISO 100negative filmcanbe used Reversal color filmorn...

Page 35: ...gths i e red leavinglightof shorter wavelengths i e blue Youcandecrease theblue byusing flash nearthesubject lfyouuseflashinunclear water reflec tion off the plankton or otherparticles suspended inthe...

Page 36: ...on During rewind theframecounter will count backwards 2 Rewindwill stopautomatically After rewindis completed checktheframe counter tomakesurethatitison S 3 To remove theaccessory baseAS first push th...

Page 37: ...o rewindthe film beforethe end hasbeen reached coverthe lens O withyourhand and presstheshutter buttonrepeatedly until you reachthe end At thatpointthecamera willrewind thefilmasusual Sincethe bodyis...

Page 38: ...amera ina bucket filled with water thengentlyswishthecamera from sidetosideto remove dirtandsand Oper atetheshutter button or O shutter button lfthecamera isdirtyorhasbeenusedun derwater be sureto was...

Page 39: ...with aclean drycloth Donotshakethecameratogetthewateroff 5 Allowthecamerato dry naturally in a shaded place Neverattemptto speedd ng wrtna oryeror otherheatsource Particularly afterusingthecamerain th...

Page 40: ...your camerais to useit regularly lf youmust storeit for a longtime threeweeksor 38 longer firstremovethe batteries so that theydon tleakand corrodethecamera s electricalcontacts Then wrap the camerain...

Page 41: ...slotandtakeoutthe O ring 2 Inspect theO ring placeit if it is dirty water lf it isscratched re cleanit in running I N r V E n r e L s n a r po b l e c t s r c n a s a n o t s sors or a needle Thesewil...

Page 42: ...clean drycloth 4 Install theO ring intotheO ring groove cfthebattery magazine Packing 1 Openthebackcover E grasp thetab at thebottomrightcorner of thepacking andoullitout 2 Inspectthe packing lf it h...

Page 43: ...osethebackcoverandfastenitwith thebuckle 0 6 Reopen thebackcoverandinspect the packingto makesurethatit is properly sealed Whenwashing theO ring or packing do not usesoapand do not rubor stretch it Af...

Page 44: ...asefor Close upLens AS Thecase is exclusively fortheclose up lensAS Attach thecasetotheneckstrap Soft Casefor A5 6 Thesoftcaseis convenient forcarrying the camerawithaccessory baseAS Put the sportsfin...

Page 45: ...scasefloatsin waterwithtwo rollsof filmor one rollof filmandtwo sizeAAA batteries Fasten ittotheneckstrap TheO ring of thefilmcaseAScanbe re moved bysqueezing andloosening itwith thefingers Donotforge...

Page 46: ...ackcover Countsback withfilm rewind Alsoserves to confirm correct film loading FILM SPEED Automatically set by DX code sensor A U T O M A T I C E X P O S U R E C O U P L I N G RANGE EV10 f 4 5 at 1140...

Page 47: ...OCAL LENGTH 27 1mmonland 30 5mmunderwater SHOOTINGDISTANCERANGE Onland 126 mmfromfilmplane 50 2 mmx 73mm U n d e r w a t e r 2 9 3 m m f r o m f i l m o l a n e 2 2 8 mmx 177 2mm BUOYANCY Floats inour...

Page 48: ...0NeckstrapBars SportsFinderAS Buckle Lock O Viewfinder Flash Ready Lamp Back Cover CenterHole Battery Magazine www orphancameras com...
