seCTIon B. InTended Use
UndeRsTAnd yoUR BIke And ITs InTended Use. ChoosInG The WRonG BICyCle foR yoUR PURPose CAn
Be hAZARdoUs. UsInG yoUR BIke The WRonG WAy Is dAnGeRoUs.
No one type of bicycle is suited for all purposes. Your retailer can help you pick the “right tool for the job” and help
you understand its limitations. There are many types of bicycles and many variations within each type. We make
many types of mountain, road, racing, hybrid, touring, cyclocross and tandem bicycles.
There are also bicycles that mix features. For example we have road/racing bikes with triple cranks. These bikes
have the low gearing of a touring bike, the quick handling of a racing bike, but are not well suited for carrying
heavy loads on a tour. For that purpose you want a touring bike.
Within each of type of bicycle, one can optimize for certain purposes. Visit your bicycle shop and find someone
with expertise in the area that interests you. Do your own homework. Seemingly small changes such as the choice
of tires can improve or diminish the performance of a bicycle for a certain purpose.
Consult your Authoried Dealer about how you intend to use your bike.
In addition to this section, please consult any owner’s manual supplements or components manufactuer’s
instructions for information on intended use.
InTended Use
Intended Use tables on the following pages contain information from Cannondale, the ASTM International
(ASTM), as well as information required by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). All table
information is part of the picture of intended use for your bike.
Conditions 1-4 are part of the ASTM F 2043-09 voluntary standard in use by the bicycle industry. The tables
include the graphic and description text directly from the standard. Condition 5 is not presently part of the
ASTM voluntary standard although it is in use in the bicycle industry.
ASTM F2043
Suitable for
road riding
ASTM F2043
For off-road
riding and
jumps less than
12” (30cm)
ASTM F2043
For rough
off-road riding
and jumps less
than 24” (61 cm)
ASTM F2043
For extreme
off-road riding
For extreme riding
User caution advised
Model names listed in the “MODELS” heading includes several recent model years and model variations in
component and color. (e.g., SuperSix Team, SuperSix DI2, SuperSix RED, SuperSix 105, etc.)
If you have any questions, about intended use or the information presented in the tables, please ask your
Authorized Dealer.
For information on the F-2043-09 ASTM International standard, see http://www.astm.org.