background image

05 GB


The hob may be installed in any worktop which is heat resistant to a 
temperature of 100°C, and has a thickness of 25-45 mm. The 
dimensions of the insert to be cut out of the worktop are in shown in


Figure 2.

If the Hob is fitted next to a cabinet on either side, the distance 
between the Hob and the cabinet must be at least 15 cm 

(see Figure 


; while the distance between the hob and the rear wall must be at 

least 5,5 cm.
The distance between the hob and any other unit or appliance above it 
(e.g. An extractor hood) must be no less than 70 cm

 (Figure 4)


When there is an accessible space between the built-in hob and the 
cavity below, a dividing wall made of insulating material should be 
inserted (wood or a similar material)

 (Figure 3).

Important - The diagram in figure 1 shows how the sealant should 
be applied.

The Hob unit is fitted by attaching the Fixing Clamps supplied, using 
the holes at the base of the unit.
If a hob of 60 cm is fitted above an oven which is not equipped with fan 
cooling system it is recommended that openings are created within 
the built in furniture to ensure correct air circulation.
The size of these openings must be at least 300 cm2 and placed as 
shown in 

Figure 5.



A gas-powered cooking appliance produces heat and humidity in the 
area in which it is installed. For this reason you should ensure good 
ventilation either by keeping all natural air passages open or by 
installing an extractor hood with an exhaust flue. Intensive and 
prolonged use of the appliance may require extra ventilation, such as 
the opening of a window or an increase in speed of the electric fan, if 
you have one.
If a hood can not be installed, an electric fan should be fitted to an 
outside wall or window to ensure that there is adequate ventilation.
The electric fan should be able to carry out a complete change of air in 
the kitchen 3-5 times every hour. The installer should follow the 
relevant national standards.



Warning - this appliance must be earthed

This appliance is designed for domestic use only. Connection to the 
main supply must be made by a competant electrician, ensuring that 
all current regulations concerning such installations are observed.
The appliance must only be connected to a suitably rated spur point, a 
3 pin 13 amp plug/socket is not suitable. A double pole switch must be 
provided and the circuit must have appropriate fuse protection. 
Further details of the power requirement of the individual product will 
be found in the users’ instruction and on the appliance rating plate. In 
the case of built-in product you are advised, should you wish to use a 
longer cable than the one supplied, that a suitably rated heat resistant 
type must be used.
The wiring must be connected to the mains supply as follows:





Green & Yellow Wire   

Earth Connection

Blue Wire   


Neutral Connection

Brown Wire   


Live Connection


 We do not advocate the use of earth leakage devices with 

electric cooking appliances installed to spur points because of the 
«nuisance tripping» which may occur. You are again reminded that the 
appliance must be correctly earthed, the manufacturer declines any 
responsibility for any event occurring as a result of incorrect electrical 






Power Cable

Brown Wire

Green/Yellow Wire
Blue Wire

Mains Supply


These instructions are for qualified personnel, installation of 
equipment must be in line with the relevant national standard.


U.K. only: by law the gas installation\commissioning must be 
carried out by a "Gas Safe"   installer)

All work must be carried out with the electricity supply disconnected.
The rating plate on the hob shows the type of gas with which it is 
designed to be used. Connection to the mains gas supply or gas 
cylinder should be carried out after having checked that it is regulated 
for the type of gas with which it will be supplied. If it is not correctly 
regulated see the instructions in the following paragraphs to change 
gas setting.

For liquid gas (cylinder gas) use pressure regulators which comply 
with the relevant national standards.
Use only pipes,washers and sealing washers which comply with the 
relevant national standards.

For some models a conic link is furnished to outfit for the installation in 
the countries where this type of link is obligatory; in picture 8 it is 
pointed out how to recognize the different types of links (CY = 
cylindrical, CO = conic). In every case the cylindrical part of the link 
has to be connected to the hob.
When connecting the hob to the gas supply via use offlexible hoses 
please ensure that the maximum distance covered by the hose does 
not exceed 2 metres.

The flexible tube shall be fitted in such a way that it cannot come into 
contact with a moveable part of the housing unit (e.g. a drawer) and 
does not pass through any space where it may become crushed/ 
kinked or damaged in any way.
To prevent any potential damage to the hob please carry out the 
installation following this sequence (picture 6):

Check the data on the rating plate, located on the outside of the unit, to 
ensure that the supply and input voltage are suitable.
Before connection, check the earthing system.
By Law, this appliance must be earthed. If this regulation is not 
complied with, the Manufacturer will not be responsible for any 
damage caused to persons or property. If a plug is not already 
attached, fit a plug appropriate to the load indicated on the rating plate. 
The earth wire is coloured yellow/green. The plug should always be 
Where the Hob is connected direct to the electricity supply, a circuit 
breaker must be fitted.
If the power supply cord is damaged this is to be replaced by a 
qualified engineer so as to prevent any potential risk.
The earth wire ( green and yellow coloured ) must be at least 10 mm 
longer than the live and neutral wires.
The section of the cable used must be of the correct size in relation to 
the absorbed power of the hob.
Please check rating plate for the power details and ensure that the 
power supply cord is of the type H05RR F, H05VV-F, F-H05V2V2.

If an appliance is not fitted with a supply cord and a plug, or with other 
means for disconnection from the supply mains having a contact 
separation in all poles that provide full disconnection under 
overvoltage category III conditions, the instructions shall state that 
means for disconnection must be incorporated in the fixed wiring in 
accordance with the wiring rules.

Summary of Contents for PVL6SL


Page 2: ...4 Minimum Alevin Ayarlanması 3 Ocak Kullanımı Kullanım Talimatları 3 1 Gazlı Ocak Gözlerinin Kullanımı 4 Bakim Ve Temizlik 5 Satış Sonrası Servis 6 Çevrenin Korunması Garanti Belgesi TR 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 16 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ПРАВИЛА ТЕХНИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ 1 Инструкции по выполнению установки 1 1 Встраиваемые варочные поверхности 1 2 Выбор места для установки варочной поверхности 2 Подк...

Page 3: ...ce Figure 3 Min 10 mm Sp da 25 a 45 mm Figure 2 Figure 1 2 60 cm 2 240 cm 2 120 cm 2 180 cm Figure 5 Figure 4 1 2 GAS CONICAL C A B CYLINDRICAL CONICAL INJECTOR Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Seal Bracket Figure 10 YES YES ...

Page 4: ...s service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard CAUTION In order to avoid a hazard due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal cutout this appliance must not be supplied through an external switching device such as a timer or connected to a circuit that is regularly switched on and off by the utility This appliance must be installed in accordance with the regulations in f...

Page 5: ...ral Connection Brown Wire Live Connection Note We do not advocate the use of earth leakage devices with electric cooking appliances installed to spur points because of the nuisance tripping which may occur You are again reminded that the appliance must be correctly earthed the manufacturer declines any responsibility for any event occurring as a result of incorrect electrical installation 1 INSTRU...

Page 6: ...s become stiff to turn it is necessary to lubricate them Such operation must be carried out only by qualified Service Engineers AUX SR R Table A 1 As illustrated assemble parts in sequence A 1 2 MaleAdaptor Cylindirical B 1 2 Seal C 1 2 Female GasAdaptor Conical Cylindirical or Cylindirical Cylindirical 2 Tighten the joints with the spanner remembering to twist the pipes into position 3 Attach fit...

Page 7: ...and has the same functions as the supplied equipment 6 PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT The Manufacturer will not be responsible for any inaccuracy resulting from printing or transcript errors contained in this brochure We reserve the right to carry out modifications to products as required including the interests of consumption without prejiudice to the characteristics relating to safety or function...

Page 8: ...rowania zewnętrznym minutnikiem lub oddzielnym układem zdalnego sterowania Wyłącznik musi być podłączony do okablowania zgodnie z obowiązujacymi przepisami instrukcja musi określać jaki rodzaj przewodu może być zastosowany z uwzglednieniem temperatury tylnej ścianki urządzenia Jeżeli przewód zasilający jest uszkodzony musi być wymieniony przez producenta lub autoryzowany serwis tak aby uniknąc wsz...

Page 9: ...e jest zainstalowanie wyłącznika automatycznego W razie uszkodzenia kabla zasilającego musi on być wymieniony przez wykwalifikowanego elektryka w celu wyeliminowania potencjalnych zagrożeń Przewód uziemienia w kolorze żółtozielonym musi być co najmniej 10 mm dłuższy niż przewód fazowy i neutralny Przekrój poprzeczny kabla zasilającego musi być o wielkości dostosowanej do mocy pobieranej przez płyt...

Page 10: ... pamiętać że po zapaleniu płomienia pokrętło należy jeszcze przytrzymać w pozycji wciśniętej przez 5 do 6 sekund UWAGA Przed włączeniem płyty gazowej należy upewnić się że palniki i nakrywki palników są prawidłowo umieszczone na swoich miejscach UWAGAOGÓLNA W celu maksymalnego wykorzystania palników należy używać naczyń z płaskim dnem o średnicy odpowiednio dopasowanej do wielkości palnika TabelaA...

Page 11: ...wane firmy W wielu krajach gdzie jest dużo zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego odbiera się go z domów gdy kupuje się nowe urządzenie zużyte można zwrócić do sprzedawcy który musi je przyjąć bezpłatnie na zasadzie zamiany jeden za jeden o ile urządzenie to jest tego samego rodzaju i ma takie same funkcje jak urządzenie dostarczone 6 OCHRONA ŚRODOWISKA Producent nie ponosi odpowiedzialn...

Page 12: ...n arka kısmındaki sıcaklık düşünülerek belirtilmelidir Elektrik kablosu hasar görürse olası bir tehlikeyi önlemek için kablo üretici yetkili servis veya benzeri kalifiye personel tarafından değiştirilmelidir Uyarı Termal ısı kesici dikkatsizce yerleşiminden doğacak zararları engellemek için bu cihaz kaynağı zamanlayıcı veya sürekli açık ya da kapalı olacak devre gibi dış devre cihazlarına bağlanma...

Page 13: ...ülerde olmalıdır Lütfen güç bilgileri için değer plakasını kontrol edin ve güç kaynağı kablosunun3x0 75 mm H05RR F tipinde olmasını sağlayın AKTİF TOPRAK NOTR L N Güç Kablosu Kahverengi Kablo Yeşil Sarı Kablo Mavi Kablo Ana Güç Kaynağı Eğer ocak kablo veya fiş bağlantısına sahip değilse veya diğer bir deyişle aşırı voltaj kategorisi şartları altında bütün kutuplar ana şebeke bağlantısından ayrılma...

Page 14: ...eyini kaplamalı veya bu yüzeyden biraz büyük olmalı ancak küçük olmamalı Tabloya Bakınız 4 BAKIM VE TEMİZLİK Ocağı temizlemeden önce cihazın soğutulmasını sağlayın Fişini prizden çekin veya direkt bağlıysa güç kaynağını kapatın Asla zımpara yıpratıcı deterjan ağartıcı veya asit ürünü kullanmayın Emaye kaplı vernikli veya paslanmaz çelik bölümlerin üzerine asit veya alkalin madde limon suyu sirke v...

Page 15: ...erans Gaz Emniyeti Yardımcı Ocak Gözü A Ø 50 mm Yarı Hızlı Ocak Gözü SR Ø 75 mm Hızlı Ocak Gözü R Ø 100 mm Kurulumu Yapılan Gaz Türü Elektrik Güç G 20 20 mbar G 30 28 30 mbar LPG Montaj Sınıfı Voltaj Frekans V Hz Elektrik Giriş Gücü Elektrikli Ateşleme Ürün Boyutları Bu cihaz profesyonel kullanım için değil yalnızca evde kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır ...

Page 16: ...nılması ile ilgili olarak çıkabilecek uyuşmazlıklarda yerleşim yerinin bulunduğu veya tüketici işleminin yapıldığı yerdeki Tüketici Hakem Heyetine veya Tüketici Mahkemesine başvurabilir Garanti belgesinin tekemmül ettirilerek tüketiciye verilmesi ve bu yükümlülüğün yerine getirildiğinin ispatı satıcıya aittir Satılan mala ilişkin olarak düzenlenen faturalar garanti belgesi yerine geçmez Satıcı tar...

Page 17: ...олжна учитываться температура задней стенки электроприбора В случае повреждения шнура питания он должен быть заменен производителем агентом по техобслуживанию или специалистом имеющим достаточную квалификацию Это необходимо для того чтобы избежать опасностей ВНИМАНИЕ Чтобы избежать опасности связанной со случайным сбросом устройства тепловой защиты данный бытовой электроприбор не должен запитывать...

Page 18: ...юдения этого требования производитель снимает с себя ответственность за нанесение вреда здоровью людей и повреждение имущества Если к кабелю питания не подсоединена вилка подсоедините к кабелю питания вилку нагрузочная способность которой соответствует указанной в паспортной табличке Провод заземления имеет желто зеленый цвет К электрической розетке должен всегда обеспечиваться свободный доступ Ес...

Page 19: ...блюдать осторожность Перед включением газовой варочной поверхности проверьте что конфорки и крышки конфорок правильно установлены на варочную поверхность ПОЛЕЗНЫЕ СОВЕТЫ Для получения наилучших результатов пользуйтесь сковородами и кастрюлями с плоским дном размеры которых соответствуют размерам газовых конфорок см Табл А 19 RU 3 ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ ВАРОЧНОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ 3 1 ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ГА...

Page 20: ...к высушите их и установите на место Проследите за тем чтобы конфорки были собраны правильно 5 ПОСЛЕПРОДАЖНОЕ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ Перед тем как вызвать специалиста по техническому обслуживанию для выполнения ремонта варочной поверхности выполните следующие проверки Проверьте что вилка кабеля питания правильно вставлена в электрическую розетку и что не перегорел плавкий предохранитель Проверьте что газ под...

Page 21: ... метан G30 28 30 мбар СНГ Класс установки Напряжение Частота В Гц Входная электрическая мощность Электроподжиг Размеры варочной поверхности Мощность ВСТРАИВАЕМЫЕ ВАРОЧНЫЕ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ Таблица 1 4 газовые R 2SR AUX PVL6SL 1 ДА 1 2 1 7 0 кВт 509 л час 3 220 240 V 50 60 Hz 25 Вт ДА 585 x 510 666 л час Установка производителя IE категория II2H3 Данное изделие предназначено только для бытовых применений...

Page 22: ...cablul de alimentare este deteriorat acesta trebuie înlocuit de către o persoană calificată de la un centru de service autorizat pentru a se evita orice pericol ATENŢIE Pentru a se evita orice pericol ca urmare a resetării dispozitivului de siguranţă acest aparat nu trebuie alimentat prin intermediul unui echipament de întrerupere extern cum ar fi un programator sau un alt tip de circuit care este...

Page 23: ...oate fi instalata un ventilator electric ar trebui fixat pe un perete exterior sau fereastra atat timp cat exista guri de aerisire in zona Ventilatorul electric trebuie sa efectueze schimbarea completa a aerului din bucatarie de la 3 pana la 5 ori pe ora Instalatorul trebuie sa urmeze standardele nationale relevante 2 1 CONEXIUNEA ELECTRICĂ 2 2 CONEXIUNEA LA GAZ Aceste instrucţiuni sunt destinate ...

Page 24: ... cratitele care au suprafeţe de încălzire mai mici întotdeauna utilizaţi cratiti cu mărimea proportionata cu cantitatea de mâncare pe care o gatiti Pentru a preventa darea in foc a mâncării nu utilizaţi cratiti mici in special atunci cand gatiti o mâncare care conţine lichid excesiv Daca utilizaţi cratiti foarte mari pentru produse care sa gătesc repede de exeplu carnati şi lichide acestea se vor ...

Page 25: ...bază care pot fi reutilizate Este important ca DEEE să fie supuse unor anumite tratamente pentru a îndepărta și elimina corespunzător toate substanțele poluante și pentru a recupera și recicla toate materialele Persoanele pot juca un rol important în a se asigura că DEEE nu devin un pericol pentru mediu Astfel este esențial ca acestea să respecte unele reguli de bază DEEE nu trebuie tratate ca deș...

Page 26: ...ression gaz Gasdruck 37 mbar Max kW Min kW A SR R 1 10 1 90 2 70 0 25 0 40 0 60 P Kw 0 50 0 65 0 80 Rodzaj gazu Type de gaz Gassoort Gasart G2 350 Cisnienie gazu Pression gaz Gasdruck 13 mbar Max kW Min kW A SR R 1 00 1 75 2 50 0 25 0 40 0 60 P Kw 0 95 Y 1 21 Y 1 45 F2 II2HS3B P Gaz tipusa G20 Gaz nyomasa 25 mbar Max kW Min kW A SR R 1 10 1 90 2 70 0 25 0 40 1 60 0 72 X 0 97 Z 1 09 Y HU P Kw Gaz t...

Page 27: ...20 Pressione gas Gas pressure Pression gaz Gasdruck Presion gas Πίεση του αερίου Pressão gás Tlak plina Ciśnienie gazu Gáz nyomása Gaz Basıncı 20 mbar Max kW Min kW A SR R 1 00 1 75 2 50 0 25 0 40 0 60 0 72 X 0 97 Z 1 09 Y CY CZ GB GR IE IT PT SI ES CH TR P Kw Tipo di gas Gas type Gassoort Gasart Type de gaz Tipo de gás Tύттоς αερіоυ Tipo de gás Gaz type Vrsta plina Pritisk plina Typ gazu Rodzaj g...

Page 28: ...erystyk dotyczących bezpieczeństwa lub działania TR Üretici bu klavuzda meydana gelecek baskı hatalarından sorumlu değildir Üretici gerekli olması durumunda ürünün emniyet ve işlevine ilişkin olmamak kaydıyla üründe değişiklik yapma hakkını saklı tutar RU Производитель не несет ответственности за опечатки и неточности которые могут встретиться в данной инструкции Мы оставляем за собой право вносит...
