Cando Multi-Grip Exerciser Exercises For Use Download Page 4


Cross Squat-Hip Abduction Combo

Step 1.  Begin standing with your feet hip width apart. Place your 

feet and step through the middle large grips.

Step 2.  Cross the exerciser behind your legs to form an X then 

cross the exerciser in front of your legs creating another X. 
Grasp the end large grips.

Step 3.  With a slight bend in your  

knees and maintaining  
your balance, kick one  
straight leg out to the  
side, bring your foot to  
the ground and then  
kick the opposite leg.  
Keep your trunk upright  
and your back in a neutral  
position. Don’t lean your  
hips or trunk to either  
side. For an optional  
combo, perform a  
mini-squat movement  
between leg kicks.

Core Stabilization Quadruped Arm and Leg

Step 1.  Place each foot into the middle large grips of the exerciser leaving 

one large grip in between.

Step 2.  Place each hand into the end large grips of the exerciser. Assume 

a hands and knees position with your arms directly below your 
shoulders and knees directly below your hips.

Step 3.  Simultaneously lift one leg and the  

opposite arm while maintaining your  
balance. When lifting extend the leg  
until your knee is straight and parallel to 
the floor while stabilizing the exerciser  
with your hands and opposite foot.  
Keep your head and neck in a neutral  
position throughout the exercise.

Step 4.  Slowly return and repeat on the  

other side.

Core Stabilization - Supine Arms and Legs

Step 1.  Place each foot into the middle large grips of the exerciser 

leaving one large grip in between.

Step 2.  Place each hand into the end large grips of the exerciser.

Step 3.  Lying flat on your back on a padded surface begin the exercise 

with knees bent and feet on the floor and hands by your side. 
Simultaneously lift one knee and  
the opposite arm while stabilizing the  
exerciser with your other hand and  
foot. Keep your back in a neutral  
position during the exercise.

Step 4.  Slowly return and repeat on the  

other side.

Core Side Plank with External Rotation

Step 1.  Begin by laying on your side on a padded surface.

Step 2.  Place both hands in a large grip at the 

desired distance to create appropriate 
resistance during the exercise.

Step 3.  Resting on your bent arm located  

directly below your shoulder, lift hips  
off of ground engaging core to  
stabilize you.

Step 4.  With the opposite arm close to you  

side and elbow bent at 90 °, rotate  
your open hand outward until you  
can rotate no further.

Step 5.  Hold briefly and return to starting  

position and repeat on both sides.

Core Bar Lift

Step 1.  Place a WaTE™ bar through the end small 

grips of the exerciser.

Step 2.  Step on the middle of the exerciser with one 

foot and kneel with the other leg.

Step 3.  Holding the ends of the bar with the exerciser 

ends inside your hand grip, use straight arms 
to lift the bar  
diagonally over  
your head. Be  
sure to keep your  
torso facing  

Step 4.  Hold briefly and  

repeat on both  

Core Bar Chop

Step 1.  Begin by anchoring the middle of your exerciser to a 

door anchor above your head.

Step 2.  Place a WaTE™ bar through the end small grips of 

the exerciser and hold onto the bar and grips.

Step 3.  Bend down to one knee  

and use the other leg to  
stabilize. Holding both the  
bar and the exerciser in  
front of you rotate your  
trunk and push the end of  
your bar toward the  
opposite hip.

Step 4.  Hold briefly and return to  

starting position and repeat  
on both sides.

Cervical Dynamic Isometric Retraction

Step 1.  Using an open hand grip, place 

your hands through two large grips 
leaving two large grips in between. 

Step 2.  Place the exerciser around the top 

of your head in line with your ears. 
Hold arms in front of you at eye  
level with elbows bent at  
90 degrees keeping slight tension 
on your exerciser.

Step 3.  Keeping your neck in a neutral 

position and chin slightly tucked 
in to stabilize, extend your elbows 
until your arms are straight in front 
of you.

Step 4.  Hold briefly and slowly return to  

your starting position.

Ankle Dorsiflexion-Eversion

Step 1.  Begin in a seated position, place one foot inside 

the end large grip and the other in the grip next 
to it so that there is one large grip in between.

Step 2.  Hold the remaining exerciser in your lap. Place 

feet hip width apart and flex exercising toes 
toward your body and away from the midline 
against the resistance of the exerciser until 
you can lift and rotate no further. Be sure to 
keep your heel on the ground and your legs 

Step 3.  Hold briefly and slowly return to your starting 

