New GentleYAG
DCD Pressure Calibration Procedure
Candela Corporation
8503-01-0834, Revision 02
Candela Corporation Proprietary
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1. Connect the pressure transducer to the 300mv jack of the DVM. Ensure the pressure
transducer reads zero. Attach the pressure transducer to the front bezel cryogen
2. Verify that a DCD Cryogen canister is installed.
3. Verify the pressure on the transducer is > 100psi before starting calibration.
4. Go to the Ckt Cal screen.
5. Press and hold the “DCD Press” button to start the calibration.
6. On the key pad, enter the DCD pressure reading from the external pressure transducer.
7. Press “Enter” at the bottom of the keypad to calibrate the DCD pressure.
8. Verify DCD canister is completely warmed up. It must be between 115-125 PSI.
Record/Verify on the TOGGLE screen DCD (PSI) reading matches the pressure
transducer to within
9. Now remove the canister. Let DCD pressure fully exhaust from laser and meter; about
two minutes. Record/Verify on the TOGGLE screen DCD (PSI) reading matches the
pressure transducer to within
1PSI. It must be between 0.0 - 1.0 PSI. Re-install
10. Exit Maintenance Mode.