Galley Systems (cont.)
Ice Box/Refrigerator-
C&C 27s are equipped with an icebox
Replenish ice as needed every
other day and eat most vulnerable foods first…raw meats, berries.. The space works well if kept
organized. It is best to keep meats and heavy liquids close to the bottom and put produce, eggs and
cheeses up higher. When done with your trip, make sure to drain out all the ice water. Leave ice box
lid open after use to air out.
Galley Sink-
Stainless sink with hand pump accessing 20 gallon fresh water tank. Sink drain has a
shutoff valve directly below and a filter
. Make sure
to close valve if water is flooding into sink.
Galley Sink Seacock shut off valve under sink/fresh H20 filter/ice box drain pump
Fresh Water System
C&C 27s have a 20 gallon water tank located under the starboard settee. Water may be filled
through the blue deck port, located on starboard.
Fresh water hand pump- you can access fresh water by using the hand pump at the galley sink.
Water Tank-Starboard Settee
Hand Pump
**If the galley sink is not draining, or is taking on water, there is a seacock located under the sink
for overboard discharge/shut off.
Make sure you still know how to close in a pinch!
Although it is
still legal to discharge grey water, always be conscious of what you are throwing down to our
saltwater pals.
Ice Box/Galley storage