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EN-Rev IM/GN-ADM-EN/A1 Copyright © February 2018. Canadian Solar Inc.
annex a: alteRnatIve mountIng methoDs
annex B: alteRnatIve gRounDIng methoDs
annex C: meChanICal anD eleCtRICal RatIngs
annex D: moDule CleanIng guIDelInes
amenDeD eDItIons anD Dates
InstallatIon manual DIsClaImeR
The information contained in this manual is subject to change by Canadian Solar Inc. without prior notice. Canadian
Solar Inc. gives no warranty of any kind whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly, with respect to the information
contained herein.
In the event of any inconsistency among different language versions of this document, the English version shall prevail.
Please refer to our product lists and documents published on our website at: http://www.canadiansolar.com as these
lists are updated on a regular basis.