normally closed: the door is closed under normal conditions
(always closed when the power is on).
Time for door locking: the duration of time for device control
over locking (from opening to automatic locking) when the door
is closed.
1-255 seconds.
1 second by default.
You can change it.
Door open timeout alarm: when the magnetic state of the door
is inconsistent with the settings, an alarm will sound after a
specified period of time. This period of time is the magnetic
alarm delay (effective range from 1 to 999 seconds).
1-255 seconds. 30 seconds by default.
Authentication frequency alarm: when the number of failed
authentications (number of times that one presses the wrong
button) reaches the set value (from 1 to 9), the alarm will
sound. If this is set to “no”, then no alarm will sound.
0-9. 0 by default, meaning that no alarm
will sound upon any failed trial.
3.2.9 Authority Group
Authority Group is for building the
attendance and access-control plan
for registered staff.
1. You can sort the staffs by different groups (for example, different department), then make
attendance plan.
2. Create holiday plan for staff.
3. Release this plan to device.
Tips: Staff in authority group could only open the door during the attendance plan’s time. While in
white-list person could open the door at any time.