DVR User’s Manual
The instant recording video will be saved as *.drv file.
Playback Instant Recorded Video
Follow the steps to playback a video recorded by “Instant Recording”.
Click <Play> on main window toolbar and click <Local Playback> tab.
Click <Open> to choose a recorded file.
Click <OK> to start playing the recorded video.
Playback Video
The remote monitoring software allows users to view recorded video either
from the DVR, or from the hard disk drive of the PC
To access the Playback screen, click <Play> button on the main window
toolbar. There are three tabs in the Playback screen: <Remote Playback>,
<Local Playback>, and <Verify> tabs. <Remote Playback> allows users to
play back from the DVR. <Local Playback> enables users to playback a
recorded video file stored on the hard disk drive of the PC. <Verify> is
provided for users to authenticate if the exported video is altered.
The DVR continues recording while playing back recorded video on the PC,
either remote playback or local playback.
Playback Remote Video
To view remote video, click <Play> on the main window toolbar, and then
<Remote Playback> tab. The <Remote Playback> screen will be displayed.
The <From> and <To> in the <Available Record Video> display the date and
time from which recorded video is available for playback.
To playback remote video segments, follow these steps:
Choose <Playback> in <Select> field for playback recorded video.
In <Start> field, users can change the date and time either by typing
desired numbers directly or using the arrow buttons.
To type directly:
Click on day, month and year of date field respectively, and type the
desired numbers directly. Follow above steps to adjust the hour, minute