WXT520 Weather Transmitter
The sensor is also capable of distinguishing hail stones from raindrops. The
measured rain and hail parameters are cumulative amounts of rain or hail, rain
or hail intensity, and the duration of a shower.
4.3 Barometric Pressure, Temperature, and Relative Humidity
The WXT520 has a PTU module that contains a capacitive silicon
BAROCAP® sensor for barometric pressure measurements, a capacitive
ceramic THERMOCAP® sensor for air temperature measurements, and a
capacitive thin film polymer HUMICAP® sensor for relative humidity
measurements. The PTU is housed in a naturally aspirated radiation shield that
protects the PTU and reflects solar radiation. Default units are
Celsius for
temperature and hPa for barometric pressure.
5. Specifications
5.1 Wind Speed
Measurement Range:
0 to 60 m s
±0.3 m s
or ±3% whichever is greater (0 to 35 m s
±5% (36 to 60 m s
Response Time:
0.25 s
5.2 Wind Direction
Measurement Range:
0° to 360°
Output Resolution:
5.3 Precipitation
cumulative accumulation after latest automatic or
manual reset.
5% (Due to the nature of the phenomenon,
deviations caused by spatial variations may exist in
precipitation readings, especially in short time
scale. The accuracy specification does not include
possible wind induced error.)
Collecting Area:
60 cm
Output Resolution:
0.01 mm (0.001 in)
Rain Duration:
counting each ten second increment when droplet
Rain Intensity:
one minute running average in ten second steps.
Rainfall Intensity Range:
0 to 200 mm hr
(broader range possible with
reduced accuracy)
5.4 Barometric Pressure
Measurement Range:
600 to 1100 hPa (mbar)
±0.5 hPa @ 0 to 30 °C; ±1 hPa @ –52 to 60 °C
Output Resolution:
0.1 hPa
5.5 Air Temperature
Measurement Range:
–52 to 60 °C
±0.3 °C @ 20 °C
Output Resolution:
0.1 °C