Establishing Cellular Service
Raven XTV
Call Verizon at 1-888-384-1775 and set up an account.
When setting up the account, you will need the ESN
number, which is listed on the modem’s label. To use
1xRTT/EVDO, you should ask for the Broadband
Plan, and either a static or a dynamic IP account. A
static IP account eliminates the need for a third party
Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) such as IP
manager. Th
e DDNS translates the domain name to a
dynamic IP address so that the modem can be con-
tacted as if it had a static IP address.
Call AT&T at 1-800-331-0500 and ask for an un-
restricted data account for a GPRS modem. Either
a static IP account or a dynamic IP account needs
to be established. Aft er the account has been set up,
mobile termination needs to be confi gured onto the
account to make the modem accessible through the
Internet. Th
is is done by adding an I2gold APN
custom APN
to the account. A data account with
an I2gold APN will have a Static IP address.
Aft er establishing service, AT&T will provide a SIMM
card for each modem. In some cases, the SIMM card
can be picked up at the local AT&T store.
Datalogger Site Equipment
Digital Cellular Modem
e RavenXTV and RavenXTG are shipped with a power
cable, our Resource CD, and a CD containing the Airlink
soft ware and the Airlink manual. Th
e modems are con-
fi gured using the following soft ware:
Airlink AceManager soft ware
—activates the
modem and confi gures the generic parameters
of the modem.
Campbell Scientific’s Raven CDMA Tem-
plate (RavenXTV) or Raven GPRS Template
—used with Airlink AceManager
soft ware to confi gure the modem. Th
e template
sets up the Raven serial interface, which is specifi c
to Campbell Scientifi c systems. Th
e Raven CDMA
Template and Raven GPRS Template are available,
at no charge, from:
Network connection information can be viewed using
the Airlink AceManger or Airlink AceView soft ware.
Datalogger Connections
All of our contemporary and many of our retired data-
loggers are compatible. Th
e datalogger connects with
the modem using one of the following devices:
18663 Null Modem Cable
—connects the modem
directly to the datalogger’s RS-232 port. Th
is cable
is the only option available for connecting the
modem to a CR200(X)-series datalogger.
SC105 DCE Interface
—connects the modem to
the datalogger’s CS I/O port via an SC12 cable.
e SC105 is recommended for PakBus® data-
loggers when the RS-232 port is unavailable.
SC932A DCE Interface
—connects the modem
to the datalogger’s CS I/O port via an SC12 cable.
e SC932A is recommended for mixed-array
dataloggers when the RS-232 port is unavailable.
Power Considerations
A power cable included with the modem connects
to the datalogger’s 12 V or switched 12 V terminal.
Connection to the switched 12 V terminal allows the
datalogger to switch power to the modem during
scheduled transmission intervals, thereby conserving
power. When using the switched 12 V terminal, the
modem can be powered with a BP12 battery, CH100
regulator, and SP10 solar panel. For help on analyzing
your system’s power requirements, refer to our Power
Supply product brochure or application note.
One of the above is required to connect the datalogger to the
modem. The best choice for your application depends on the
datalogger you are using.
At one time, feature code G821 was used instead of the I2gold APN. Feature code G821 has been discontinued, and all RavenXTGs need either
an I2gold APN or custom APN.
A custom APN may off er more effi
cient routing and better security for large cellular phone networks. It will take four to six weeks for AT&T to
develop a custom APN and cost about $250.00.