Raven XT-Telus CDMA Sierra Wireless Cellular Modem
Click the
icon to terminate communications with the modem.
Unless you Write the commands, the changes made in
New Value will not be sent to the modem. For some
commands unless you Reset the modem, the newly
written values will not take effect.
5.3 Configuring the Raven for Dynamic IP
Dynamic IP addresses are granted only when a modem or other device is
connected and can change each time the modem or device reconnects to the
IP Manager is a free service provided by Sierra Wireless for the Raven XT to
translate a dynamic IP address into a fully qualified domain name so it can be
contacted directly on the Internet. IP Manager translates a dynamic IP address
to a fully qualified domain name so you can contact your Raven XT by name
as if it had a static IP.
If the Raven XT is configured for Dynamic IP, when the Raven XT first
connects to the Internet, it sends an IP change notification to the IP Manager.
IP Manger will acknowledge the change and update the DNS record. The
changed IP address will then be the address for the Raven’s configured name.
Once the Raven’s IP has been updated in IP Manager, it can be contacted via
the name.
AceManager is used to configure the Dynamic IP settings in your Raven XT so
that it will use IP Manager as described below.
Connect with modem using AceManager. Select the Dynamic IP group to
configure your modem to use IP Manager.
To configure your Sierra Wireless modem to be addressed by name, the
modem needs to have four elements configured.
Enter names in the New Value fields for
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