Using the CS400/CS405 Submersible Pressure Transducer with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers
Check all sensor readings (*6 mode of the datalogger); adjust transducer
offsets if necessary
Check recent data (*7 mode of the datalogger)
Perform routine maintenance suggested by manufacturers
See datalogger manual for more information on *6 and *7 modes.
5.2 Every Three Months
Change batteries (as needed--may be less often)
Replace enclosure desiccants
Check calibration of all sensors
Inspect probe cable conditions for deterioration or damage
Check wire connections ensuring they are still secure
5.3 Every Two to Three Years or on a Rotating Schedule
Send the transducers to the factory or laboratory for inspection and have them
serviced and/or replaced as needed.
6. Troubleshooting
The most common causes of erroneous pressure transducer data include:
poor sensor connections to the datalogger
damaged cables
damaged transducers
moisture in the vent tube
To troubleshoot, do the following:
Check your connections to the datalogger. Look for loose or broken wires,
and moisture at the points of connection.
Inspect the pressure transducer cable for wear, stress, or other indications
of damage.
Check the vent tube for plugging and condensation.
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