1. Open Device Configuration Utility.
2. Under Device Type, select GRANITE > VOLT 100 series.
3. Carefully review the Connect Instructions text provided on the right.
4. With the USB device driver installation complete, connect the supplied USB cable between
the USB port on your computer and the USB port on the VOLT 100 series.
5. Apply 9.6 to 32 VDC to the power terminals on the device.
6. Click the browse button next to Communication Port.
7. Select the port labeled VOLT 100 series.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Connect then OK to avoid conflicts.
10. Set the Device Name (optional) and the CPI Address.
a. Device Name is a user-editable field to set a unique name to the VOLT 100 series. The
default name is VOLT 100.
b. CPI Address specifies the address of the VOLT 100 series. Each GRANITE
Measurement Module connected to the same data logger must have a unique
address. By default, the VOLT 100 series uses a CPI address of 1. Allowable addresses
are 1 through 120.
11. Click Apply to save your changes.
9.3.4 Configuring with CPIStatus table
When a GRANITE Measurement Module is used in a program, the data logger adds a CPIStatus
table to display current CPI information. View the CPIStatus table in the LoggerNet Connect
screen, or Device Configuration Utility Data Monitor tab. Information about each module
included in the data logger program or connected to the CPI bus appears in the CPIStatus table
within the ModuleInfo() array. Information is shown in the following order:
GRANITE Measurement Module Type, Serial Number, Device Name, CPI Address,
Within the ModuleInfo() array index string, the Device Name and CPI Address fields can be
edited. This provides a way to rename and readdress a VOLT 100 series through Campbell
Scientific software without editing the CRBasic program or connecting directly to the USB port.
(p. 39) for additional information.
VOLT 100 series