Appendix A. Determining True North and Wind Sensor Orientation
Declination angles east of True North are considered negative, and are
subtracted from 360 degrees to get True North as shown FIGURE
360° are the same point on a compass). Declination angles west of True North
are considered positive, and are added to 0 degrees to get True North as shown
For example, the declination for Longmont, CO (10 June 2006) is 9.67
, thus
True North is 360
─ 9.67
, or 350.33
as read on a compass. Likewise, the
declination for McHenry, IL (10 June 2006) is ─2.68
, and True North is
─ (─2.68
), or 2.68
as read on a compass.
FIGURE A-2. A declination angle east of True North (positive) is
subtracted from 360 (0) degrees to find True North
FIGURE A-3. A declination angle west of True North (negative) is
subtracted from 0 (360) degrees to find True North