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Surface-Mount Type-E Thermocouple Sensor

Fast Response

Ideal for monitoring  

solar panel temperature


The CS220 thermocouple measures the temperature of a surface 
by direct contact. It typically monitors the temperature of a solar 
panel, but can also monitor the temperature of other devices. 

Panel temperature is an important measurement in solar energy 
applications since the output of a solar panel is affected by its 
temperature.  As the temperature of the solar panel increases, its 
output decreases.

Benefits and Features

Well-suited for solar energy applications
Thermocouple tolerance meets ASTM E230-ANSI MC 96.1 

(reference junction at 0°C)

Easy to install
Compatible with most Campbell Scientific dataloggers


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Type E Thermocouples

Type E thermocouples are comprised of a chromel wire and a 
constantan wire joined at a measurement junction. A voltage 
potential is generated when the measurement end of the ther-
mocouple is at a different temperature than the “reference end” 
of the thermocouple. The magnitude of the voltage potential is 
related to the temperature difference. Therefore, temperature can 
be determined by measuring the differences in potential created 
at the junction of the two wires 

A reference temperature measurement (typically measured at the 
datalogger wiring panel) is required. Options for measuring the 
reference temperature include:

Thermistor built into the CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000, or 

CR5000 wiring panel
PRT built into the wiring panel of the CR9050 or CR9051E input 
module for the CR9000X Measurement and Control System


The CS220 is not compatible with our CR200(X)-series or CR510 dataloggers.
