About this manual
Please note that this manual was originally produced by Campbell Scientific Inc. primarily for the
North American market. Some spellings, weights and measures may reflect this origin.
Some useful conversion factors:
1 in
(square inch) = 645 mm
1 in. (inch) = 25.4 mm
1 ft (foot) = 304.8 mm
1 yard = 0.914 m
1 mile = 1.609 km
1 oz. (ounce) = 28.35 g
1 lb (pound weight) = 0.454 kg
1 psi (lb/in
) = 68.95 mb
1 UK pint = 568.3 ml
= 4.546 litres
1 US gallon = 3.785 litres
In addition, while most of the information in the manual is correct for all countries, certain information
is specific to the North American market and so may not be applicable to European users.
Differences include the U.S standard external power supply details where some information (for
example the AC transformer input voltage) will not be applicable for British/European use.
note, however, that when a power supply adapter is ordered it will be suitable for use in your country.
Reference to some radio transmitters, digital cell phones and aerials may also not be applicable
according to your locality.
Some brackets, shields and enclosure options, including wiring, are not sold as standard items in the
European market; in some cases alternatives are offered. Details of the alternatives will be covered in
separate manuals.
Part numbers prefixed with a “#” symbol are special order parts for use with non-EU variants or for
special installations. Please quote the full part number with the # when ordering.
Recycling information
At the end of this product’s life it should not be put in commercial or domestic refuse
but sent for recycling. Any batteries contained within the product or used during the
products life should be removed from the product and also be sent to an appropriate
recycling facility.
Campbell Scientific Ltd can advise on the recycling of the equipment and in some cases
arrange collection and the correct disposal of it, although charges may apply for some
items or territories.
For further advice or support, please contact Campbell Scientific Ltd, or your local agent.
Campbell Scientific Ltd, Campbell Park, 80 Hathern Road, Shepshed, Loughborough, LE12 9GX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1509 601141 Fax: +44 (0) 1509 601091
Email: [email protected]