CFM100 CompactFlash
If neither Run on Power-up nor Run Now programs are changed, the
previous Run on Power-up program runs. Example Powerup.ini Files
are example powerup.ini files.
CRBasic Example 7-2. Run Program on Power-up
'Copy pwrup.cr1 to USR:, will run only when powered-up later
CRBasic Example 7-3. Format the USR: Drive
'Format the USR: drive
CRBasic Example 7-4. Send OS on Power-Up
'Load this file into FLASH as the new OS
CRBasic Example 7-5. Run Program from CRD: Drive
'Leave program on CRD:, run always, erase CRD: data files
CRBasic Example 7-6. Run Program Always, Erase CF Data
'Run always, erase CRD: data files
CRBasic Example 7-7. Run Program Now, Erase CF Data
'Copy run.cr1 to CPU:, erase CF data, run CPU:run.cr1, but not if later powered-up
7.1.4 Camera Files
JPEG images taken by a digital camera connected to the datalogger can be
stored to the CF card rather than CPU memory. This is done by configuring the
PakBus setting “Files Manager” for the datalogger using the Device
Configuration Utility or PakBus Graph.
7.2 Programming
7.2.1 The CardOut() Instruction
The CardOut() instruction is used to send data to a CF card. The CardOut()
instruction must be entered within each DataTable declaration that is to store