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EX8000, WL5000 Serie de modelos para contratistas

19 Sp


Posible(s) Causa(s)

Acción a Tomar  

La presión del tanque
disminuye cuando el
compresor se apaga

Exceso de humedad en
el aire de salida

Compresor funciona

Compresor vibra

El suministro de aire es
menos de lo  normal

1. Conecciones flojas (coneciones,

tuberías, etc.)

2. La llave de salida está floja

3. Hay fugas en la válvula de chequeo

1. Exceso de agua en el tanque

2. Humedad alta

1. Presostato está dañado

2. Excesivo uso de aire

Pernos están flojos

1. Válvulas de entrada están rotas

2. Filtro de entrada está sucio

3. Fugas en las conecciones

1. Chequée todas las conecciones con agua enjabonada

y apriete las conecciones flojas

2. Apriete la llave

3. Desmantele la válvula de chequeo, límpiela o


Antes de desmantelar la 
válvula de chequeo

purgue el aire del tanque

1. Drene el tanque

2. Mueva el compresor a un área menos humeda; use

un filtro de línea

1. Reemplácelo

2. Disminuya el uso de aire; el compresor no tiene la

capacidad de suministro necesaria

Apriete los pernos

1. Un técnico autorizado de servicio debe repararlo

2. Limpie o reemplace el filtro de entrada

3. Apriete las conecciones



Guía de Diagnóstico de Averías (Continuación)

Portable Air Compressors


General Safety 


codes, as well as the National Electrical
Code (NEC) and the Occupational
Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

8. Wiring and fuses should follow

electrical codes, current capacity, and
be properly grounded.

9. Electric motors must be securely and

adequately grounded. See grounding
instructions and extension cord
information, in this manual.

10. Always disconnect power source

before working on or near a motor, or
its connected load. If power
disconnect point is out-of-sight, lock it
in the open position and tag to
prevent unexpected application of

11. Guard all moving parts; keep visitors

away. Never allow children in work

12. Use only a properly grounded outlet

that will accept a three pronged plug,
and wear shoes to prevent shock

13. Be careful when touching exterior of

operating motor; it may be hot
enough to cause injury.

14. Protect power cable from coming in

contact with sharp objects.

15. Clean electrical or electronic

equipment with an approved cleaning
agent, such as dry, nonflammable
cleaning solvent.

16. To avoid spontaneous combustion,

discard waste rags into approved
metal waste cans.

17. Never store flammable liquids or gases

in vicinity of compressor.

18. When spraying with solvent of toxic

chemicals, follow instructions provided
by the chemical manufacturer.

19. Spray in a well ventilated area, to

keep fumes from collecting and
causing health and fire hazards.

20. Do not spray in vicinity of open flames

or other places where a spark can
cause ignition. Do not smoke when
spraying paint, insecticides, or other
flammable substances.

21. Use a respirator when spraying.

22. NEVER reset safety valve or pressure

switch. Keep safety valve free from
paint and other accumulations. This
provides safety against over pressure.

23. Do regular maintenance; keep all

nuts, bolts, and screws tight, to be
sure equipment is in safe working
condition .

24. Keep cleaning rags and other

flammable waste materials in a tightly
closed metal container and dispose of
later in the proper fashion.

25. Drain tanks of moisture after each

day’s use. If unit will not be used for a
while, it is best to leave drain cock
open until such time as it is to be used.
This will allow moisture to completely
drain out and help prevent corrosion
of inside of tank.

26. Inspect tank yearly for rust, pin holes

or any other imperfections that could
cause it to become unsafe. NEVER
weld or drill holes in air tank.



Insert threaded post of rubber foot into
hole in ground iron. Tighten securely
with locknut.


1. Check and tighten all bolts, fittings,

etc., before operating compressor.

2. Operate compressor in a ventilated

area so that compressor may be
properly cooled.

3. Compressor should be located where

it can be directly plugged into an
outlet, but if this is not possible, an
extension cord may be used. It should 
be selected using the extension cord
chart on page 3 as a guide.

4. To avoid loss of power and

overheating, it is better to use
additional air hose instead of
extension cords to reach work area.


1. Local electrical wiring codes differ from

area to area. Source wiring, plug and
protector must be rated for at least the
amperage and voltage indicated on
motor nameplate, and meet all
electrical codes for this minimum .

2. Use a slow blow fuse type T or a

circuit breaker.

Overheating, short 
circuiting and fire

damage will result from inadequate
wiring, etc.


120 volt, 10 and 13 amp units can

be operated on a 115 volt, 15 amp circuit
under the following conditions:

a. No other electrical appliances or lights

are connected to the same branch

b. Voltage supply is normal.

c. Extension cords are of the minimum

gauge specified in this instruction

d. Circuit is equipped with a 15 amp

circuit breaker or a 15 amp slow blow
fuse type T.

3. If above conditions cannot be met or

if nuisance tripping of current
protection device occurs, it may be
necessary to operate compressor from
a 115 volt, 20 amp circuit.


1. This product should be grounded. In

the event of an electrical short
circuit, grounding reduces risk of
electrical shock by providing an
escape wire for electric current. This
product is equipped with a cord
having a grounding wire with an 



Figure 1


