To safely use the product, please read the user’
s manual carefully before use.
Connect all lines as directed in the product connection map in the manual.
Do not touch the LCD panel.
Use the product at the temperature range of -15 C ~ 60
Screen may be a little dark when the product is operated in low temperature areas.
Screen will show normal luminosity after a few minutes.
Do not disassemble and modify the product in any way.
This may cause fire and/or electric shock.
When you install the product in a car, do not set a volume level too loud for others
to hear outside.
When you install the product in a car and watch TV, the car engine should be
running as there might occur excessive discharge of the car battery.
Any liquid leaking into product may cause malfunction.
2. Before Use
The driver should not use the product while he/she is driving.
Quality of pictures on screen may vary depending on the radio field strength
in different locations. You should use video equipment where you experience
weak radio field strength.
Follow traffic laws when you use the Navigation Route System.
Be cautious of humidity and shock when you use the product in a car.
The product should not be placed on the dashboard or near engine
Cover the product when exposed to direct rays of the sun for a long period of time.
(You should keep the product at a temperature range of -30 C ~ 85 C.)
Precautions (when you use the product in a car)
3. Special Features of the Product
(Max AT 12V)
Application of 8bit MICRO CONTROLLER
Application of TFT LCD with high resolution and low reflection
All functions are displayed on screen (OSD function)
Language Display Selection
PWM volume control
AV selection function
Low energy consuming rate