PRO-Diary User Guide 1.2.1 10/02/15
Day Designation
Each entry is applied on certain days, chosen from the options below. Thus, any
single schedule entry may cause the Diary to act on many days throughout a
month’s recording rather than just one.
Every day
Every weekday
Every weekend day
Every Monday, Tuesday, … or Sunday
Day n of the recording (n from 1 to 30)
Time/Type of Entry
Entries may be marked to prompt the user either at a fixed time, or at a randomly
allocated time within a certain period. This can be used to avoid consistently
prompting at exactly the same time every day, when the user might normally be
busy or begin to expect the prompt.
Entries may a
lso be marked as ‘On request’ during a period of time. This means
that if the user wakes up the Diary at any time during that period then they can
choose to answer the questionnaire at that time, rather than waiting for an alarm.
They can then for example tell the Diary that they have woken up, eaten, or
intend to go to bed now.
Motion Logging
Motion logging may be enabled as part of the schedule. This will cause the Diary
to record how much it is moved throughout the day, logging at a chosen “epoch”
interval of between 1 and 60 seconds. The resulting data can be used to monitor
sleep or daytime activity profiles, and analysed using the CamNtech MotionWare
software package.
The “MotionWatch-compatible counts” mode records movement in a measure
compatible with CamNtech
“MotionWatch” products. This measure is well
validated for sleep monitoring, and has been used for daytime activity monitoring
also. In future updates an additional mode refined for activity intensity monitoring
may be introduced.
4.5 Locked and Unlocked Items
When an item has just been created (either a question, questionnaire or
schedule), it is considered to be ‘unlocked’. It will remain unlocked as you edit it
and combine it with other items. When you first use an item when setting up a
Diary, all the used items will be locked. This is necessary so that you have an
accurate record of exactly what went into setting up each Diary, in order to
interpret the data downloaded from it. If you subsequently decide you did not
want exactly the same setup, but a slight variant on it, you must right click and
‘Create Copy’ to create a new unlocked copy with a slightly different name. This
copy can then be modified. This allows you to keep track of your progress with
modified options, as each one is stored separately with a version number tagged
on the end of the item name.