4. Use one change-out bag per filter/
adsorber removed (multiple prefilters
can be removed inside one change-
out bag as long as the weight is
approximately 25 lbs. or less).
Carefully remove the filter from
inside the filtration housing by
inserting your arms into the change-
out bag gloves and pulling the filter
into the change-out bag. A Camfil
change-out shelf can assist in
making the change-out easier (as
shown in picture, see Spare Parts
and Accessories, page 18), or use a
table to place filter after removing
from housing. Inspect the sealing
surface of the filtration housing to
insure no foreign matter will interfere
with the new filter to be installed.
Remove arms from the change-out
bag gloves, leaving gloves inside
5. Once the filter/adsorber is removed
from the housing into the change-out
bag, tightly twist the change-out bag
together between the filter access
port and the contaminated filter.
Tape or tie strap approximately 8” of
the twisted bag to secure and cut in
the middle of section. Tape over
exposed edges where bag was cut.
Remove the contaminated filter/
adsorber for disposal. A banding kit
can also be used (as shown in
picture, see Spare Parts and
Accessories, page18). Remove the
change-out bag security strap and
gently position the bag’s shock cord
between the two raised ribs of the
bagging ring. If the filtration system
only has a single filter, proceed to
step 7.
6. Install a new, empty change-out bag around the bagging ring (over top of the “stub” bag), and locate the
shock cord between the second raised rib and the housing, with the seam of the bag located at the top of
the bagging ring. Remove the “stub” bag (inside bag) from the bagging ring and pull to the bottom end of
the change-out bag. Re-install security strap and carefully remove the next filter/adsorber from inside the
filtration housing by inserting your arms into the change-out bag gloves, and pulling the filter into the change-
out bag. Continue repeating steps 4 through 6 until all filters are removed from the filtration housing, using a
new change-out bag for each filter/adsorber. When all filters are removed there should still be a “stub” bag
remaining on the bagging ring.