If the end connection leaks at the time of installation, remove pressure
before attempting to tighten the seal.
The customer is responsible for ensuring chemical compatibility
between the flowmeter and any fluids being metered.
The meter will attain the temperature of the fluid. Use caution when
touching the meter body to avoid burns.
Use appropriate bolts and hardware per ANSI B16.5 and, if applicable,
NACE MRO175 / ISO 15156.
Installation Procedure
1. Install a straight section of pipe on either side of the meter. This pipe
must be the same size as the meter end connection with a minimum
length of 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream.
For example, a flowmeter with a 6-in. end connection requires 6-in. pipe.
The section of pipe upstream must be 60 in.; the section downstream
must be 30 in.
2. To create a cradle for the meter, assemble all-thread studs, nuts, (center
ing rings, if purchased), and gaskets to connect the flanges using only