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– Turn on both OontZ Angle solo speakers.
– Pair and Connect one of the speakers with your device. When connected the Blue Light will be lit
Solid Blue. This speaker will serve as the
Play Control Speaker.
second speaker has a solid Blue Light it is connected to a device and you need to disconnect it by
pressing and holding down the
Bluetooth Button
for 3 seconds until the Blue Light begins
- On the
Play Control Speaker
(speaker with solid Blue Light) press and hold down the
for 3 seconds until the
Play Control Speaker
says “Dual Pairing”.
- After a few seconds the
Play Control Speaker
will say “Left Channel” and the second speaker will
say “Right Channel”. The
Play Control Speaker
speaker light will remain solid Blue and the second
speaker light will be solid White. The OontZ Angle solo speakers will be connected together for Left
Channel - Right Channel and you are ready to play.
Connecting two OontZ Angle solo speakers together for
Left Channel - Right Channel