Each speaker comes with four carpet
spikes. These spikes can be used to
improve stability on thick carpet. They
will penetrate a carpet and carpet pad
and transfer the weight of the speaker
directly to the actual floor surface.
Important Note:
These carpet spikes
will leave four small but distinct
puncture holes in wooden floors and
can damage other surfaces. Do not use
these spikes if you are concerned
about the appearance of the floor
beneath the carpet.
Determine the final listening
position of each
speaker before
installing the carpet spikes, since
repositioning a
speaker is difficult
once the spikes are installed.
Carpet spike installation consists of
removing the rubber feet and then
adjusting and locking the spikes.
Screw one locknut about half-
way down the shank of each
carpet spike.
K. Carefully lay the loudspeaker on
its side.
L. Pull each rubber foot out of its
threaded fitting. Rotate the foot
counter-clockwise if it resists
slipping out.
M. Screw each carpet spike into a
threaded fitting. Leave a small
gap between the locknut and
the fitting.
N. Place the speaker at its proper
listening position. Adjust each
spike by rotating it until the
speaker is level and stable.
O. Screw each of the locknuts up
against the base to secure the
carpet spike.
Floor Versus Carpets
Tower III
s come with four rubber feet
installed in threaded sleeves in the
pedestal base. These feet will
provide stability on any
flat, uncarpeted floor surface and
many single-layer carpeted surfaces.
* Check that each
speaker is
securely positioned at the final
listening position and does not
rock back and forth (see
, below).
Use shims to provide stability if
the surface is not level. The rubber
feet will also help protect smooth,
polished floor surfaces.