Enterprise Wi-Fi AP Hardware Installation Guide
About This User Guide
brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
For product available in the USA/Canada market, only channel 1~11 can be operated. Selection of other
channels is not possible.
Pour les produits disponibles aux États-Unis / Canada du marché, seul le canal 1 à 11 peuvent être
exploités. Sélection d'autres canaux n'est pas possible.
This device and it's antennas(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna
or transmitter except in accordance with IC multi-transmitter product procedures.
Cet appareil et son antenne (s) ne doit pas être co-localisés ou fonctionnement en association avec une
autre antenne ou transmetteur.
The device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful
interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.
les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour uneutilisationà
l’intérieur afin de rédu
ire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant
les mêmes canaux;
IC radiation exposure statement
This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between
the radiator and your body.
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC établies pour un
environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un minimum de 20 cm de
distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.
CE statement
This equipment complies with EU radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and your
Specific expertise and training required for professional
To ensure that the XV3-8 Enterprise AP is installed and configured in compliance with the requirements
of Industry Canada and the FCC, installers must have the radio engineering skills and training described
in this section. This is particularly important when installing and configuring an XV3-8 Enterprise AP
system for operation in the 5 GHz band (5150
5250 MHz
FCC only, 5250
5350 MHz, 5470
MHz and 5725
5850 MHz).
Avoidance of weather radars
The installer must be familiar with the requirements in FCC KDB 443999. Essentially, the installer must be
able to:
Access the FCC database of weather radar location and channel frequencies.
Use this information to correctly configure the product (using the UI) to avoid operation on channels
that must be avoided according to the guidelines that are contained in the KDB and explained in detail
in this user guide.
In ETSI regions, the band 5600 MHz to 5650 MHz is reserved for the use of weather radars.