IP Audio Routing & Mixing System
Surface Panel Overview
The image to the right shows a typical
console section of an Argo S surface
consisting of the following panels:-
MD6573 TFT Meter panel
provides the Argo S/Argo Q with a
graphical user interface to provide a
1920px x 1080px TFT video display of
the various audio input and output levels
of the console. Typically the Meter panel
shows audio metering displays. Multiple
upstand metering TFT’s are fitted across
the console as required.
MU6572 TFT Touchscreen panel
provides the Argo S/Argo Q with a
graphical user interface to provide a
1920px x 1080px TFT video display and
touch circuitry, touch control and display
of the various control parameters of the
console. The lower area of the screen
provides a touch method of navigating
the console using operational modes and
layer selection. Multiple touchscreens are
fitted across the console as required.
CA6575 Wild Assign panel
can be fitted in the Argo S/Argo Q central
control area, for the Argo S, one row
of this panel type can be fitted or two
rows for the larger Argo Q, to make up
the required console layout. Each rotary
control cell can be configured to display
and control the various continuous and
switch parameters as required.
IU6576 Standard Fader panel
provides the Argo S/Argo Q fader bed,
with multiple panels being fitted to make
up the required fader quantity. It is
fitted with 12 x 100mm throw touch
sensitive faders. Each fader strip also
has the following controls/displays from
bottom to top:- Mini TFT layer display,
PFL button, 2 user defined buttons, Mini
TFT meter display, AFL button, B-Layer
button, Access button, Mini TFT fader
display, ON/CUT button. The upper area
of the panel has 2 sets of 4 button cells
with a Mini TFT Display per cell which
can be configured to display the various
switch parameters as required. The top
row of button cells provides the physical
method of navigating the console using
operational modes and layer selection.