This heater is equipped with an internal compressor time delay to allow the refrigerant to
settle during start-up or restart cycles. When the heater is started the fan will run but the
compressor will not start until the 3 to 5 minute delay has passed. The green heating light
will be on when the compressor is running. In some cases (when the heater is new or
during cold weather), it may be necessary to allow the unit to go through the time delay
several times before the unit will start. The unit will delay for other reasons noted below:
30 second compressor delay when switching pool/spa modes.
3 to 5 minute compressor delay when T.C.O. enables in pool mode.
5 minute T.C.O. off delay when: switching from spa to pool mode, when temperature is
reached in pool mode, or if LF (low water flow) is displayed on LED.
If water pump loses prime there will be a 3-5 minute compressor delay.
When the fan and compressor are running, the unit will discharge cool air from the top. The
heater will produce condensation while running and is considered normal. It will produce more
condensation the more humid the ambient air is. The condensation will exit the heater through
the bottom drain ports.
You can substantially reduce the heat loss and electrical consumption by utilizing a pool cover
(or pool blanket). You can get higher water temperatures in less operational time using a cover.
If you keep the pool or spa covered whenever you are not swimming you can typically reduce
heat loss by as much as 80% and reduce heating costs as much as 50%. Using a cover during the
initial heat up period will greatly reduce the operational time needed.
When heating a spa it is advisable to not run the air blower or air inlet venturis during the initial
heat up time. Air blowers and venturis inject air into the water to create the spa therapy action.
During colder weather the air blower or inlet venturis will inject cold air into the spa thus increas-
ing heat demand. Leaving these items off until the spa reaches the set temperature will reduce
the heat up time. A cover is highly suggested for spa heating.
This readout indicates that the internal defrost safety control has disabled the heater.
During cold weather where the air temperature drops below approximately 45 to 50
degrees (depending on humidity), the low refrigerant pressure switch (or defrost con-
trol) is designed to disable the compressor only. Once the unit is in defrost mode the
compressor will shut off for 1 hour while the fan continues to help deice and warm the
air coil. After 1 hour the unit will attempt to restart. If the air temperature has increased
to the operational range the compressor will continue to run, otherwise the compressor
will return to the defrost mode for another 1 hour delay cycle.
You my experience some frost or icing on the outer air coil in cold weather tempera-
tures and is considered normal. If the air coil ices up, shut the heater off, allow it to
defrost and wait for warmer weather to restart the heater. If you live in an area where
the weather is expected to drop below 45˚F to 50˚F for an extended period you should
disable the heater during those times.
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