Long unfinished hair becomes
full & bouncy
1. To bring full & bouncy, salon style to unfinished
looking hair, use the Twist and Curl Technique.
Start by taking a one inch thick by two inch
wide section in the front, right at the scalp,
holding Perfecter in one hand and section of
hair in the other.
2. Hold the Perfecter vertically and right at the
scalp place the section onto the barrel. Start to
rotate the barrel while guiding the section in.
The motion is created by slowly moving barrel
down and rotating at the same time. When
tension is tight on curl release by softening pull
on that section. The hair will be making a
tornado-looking twist as you move completely
through the section till hair releases completely
from barrel.
3. Twist and Curl Technique may take practice,
but is very simple, quick and easy, creating curls
that are more soft, bouncy and fuller than any
other hair tool.