Decimator Quick Tour
SED Systems, a division of Calian Ltd.
Let’s toggle over to “Inspection” mode. You will notice the toolbar changes to allow you to run a
playback simulation and/or to navigate to any trace in the history (as long as you turned logging on).
The selected time is shown with the vertical blue bar in the Band Power plot and is altered by a
mouse left click. The CarrierWatch Zoom window in “Inspection” mode is shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26 CarrierWatch Zoom Window – Inspection Mode
The CarrierWatch Zoom Window Inspection Mode toolbar is shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 CarrierWatch Zoom Window Inspection Mode Toolbar
The first item is the “mode” combo box, followed by the selected date and time. The second date
and time corresponds to the date and time at the mouse location in the Band Power plot.
The rest of the items are as follows:
Green arrow – Start a play-back of traces from the current selected time
Stop button – Stop the play-back
Double arrow left – Select the first time in the Band Power plot
Single arrow left – Select the next time in the Band Power plot