CalDigit Docking Station Utility
The CalDigit Docking Station Utility makes it incredibly easy to disconnect all your USB storage
devices from the TS3 Plus without the need to manually disconnect them one by one.
Disconnecting all USB storage devices
1. Open the CalDigit Docking Station Utility on the top menu bar.
2. Click the eject button on the TS3 Plus image.
Disconnecting individual USB storage devices
1. Open the CalDigit Docking Station Utility on the top menu bar.
2. Click on the specific USB device you would like to eject. Only that device will be ejected.
The CalDigit Docking Station Utility Installer file needs to be downloaded and
installed on your Mac from the CalDigit website. Please go to www.caldigit.
com/support.asp to download the Installer package.