LMU-2000 Hardware & Installation Guide - PULS Wiki
use, reproduction, distribution or publication. All rights not specifically granted in this License are reserved by
Customer agrees to include the notice “Copyright © 1999 – 2009 CalAmp DataCom Inc., All Rights
Reserved” in Applications developed with the Software. Customer agrees to include the following CalAmp
Copyright and Government Restricted Use notice in all documentation and in any Application on-line help or
readme file.
“Portions of this computer program are owned by CalAmp DataCom Inc., Copyright © l999 – 2009,
CalAmp DataCom Inc., All Rights Reserved. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in subparagraph ©(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs ©(l) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted
Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is CalAmp DataCom Inc., 1401 North Rice Ave.
Oxnard, CA 93030. Rights are reserved under copyright laws of the United States with respect to
unpublished portions of the Software.”
Developer(s) License—Uses Not Permitted: Unless Otherwise Agreed To In Writing with CalAmp, You
May Not (1) Make derivative works including but not limited to translations, adaptations, arrangements or any
other alteration (each of which would become the property of CalAmp or its licensors, as applicable) or make
copies of the Software or Documentation except as permitted above; (2) Make copies of the Related
Materials; (3) Use any CalAmp product to translate the product of another licensor unless you have the legal
right to do so; (4) Allow a greater number of Developers to access the Software at any one time than the total
number of Developer licenses for which you have paid; (5) Rent, lease, sublicense or lend the Software,
Software Copies, Documentation, Documentation Copies, Related Materials or your rights under this License
or allow access to the Software for unlicensed users; (6) Alter, decompile (except to the limited extent that
decompilation by the licensed Developer only is necessary as the only available way to achieve interoperability
with other programs and, in that situation, any resulting information cannot be used in developing, producing or
marketing any software substantially similar in expression to the Software), disassemble or reverse engineer the
Software; (7) Make any attempt to unlock or bypass any initialization system or encryption techniques utilized
by the Software or Documentation; (8) Alter, remove or obscure any proprietary legend, copyright or
trademark notice contained in or on Software, Documentation or Related Materials; or (9) use the Software to
create an Application intended solely to duplicate functionality of an existing CalAmp end user software
Use Licenses: For each Server or Site License purchased, CalAmp grants the Customer the right to
distribute Applications on a single Server or at a single Site, as the case may be, accessible to the number of
individual users (not concurrent users) for which the Server or Site License has been purchased as evidenced
by a CalAmp License Certificate. For each Use License purchased, as evidenced by a CalAmp License
Certificate, CalAmp grants the Customer the right to distribute a single Application to a single User. In no
circumstance may Customer distribute an Application under a site license or concurrent use license unless a