Revised 14 June 2003
This procedure takes a space of 25 by 75 feet. This can be a driveway, rooftop, etc.
Placing the boom on a couple of sturdy tables or sawhorses will make this assembly
much easier. If absolutely necessary, it can also be done on a tower, with the boom
vertical, and the plates and hairpins facing away from the tower.
1. Turn the boom over to its operating position, with plates and hairpins below it, and
prepare to attach the elements.
2. Position the completed element so that it is centered directly under the boom to
element mounting plate. The mounting plate should be resting on the element.
3. Position the gray slotted plastic element insulating sleeves, one to each side of the
feed point bolts.
4. One at a time, place U-bolt saddles between mounting plate and gray slotted plastic
element insulators and install U-bolts around element, through the clamp saddles, and
up through the plate, using flanged nuts and lock washers. Do not tighten the U-bolt
clamps yet.
5. When all 4 U-bolts have been installed, adjust element position as follows:
a) 2-inch visible section of fiberglass connector piece between B1 and A1 tubes
should be centered on the mounting plate.
b) Adjust gray slotted plastic insulator sleeves so that they are centered under U-
c) Rotate element so that the rows of rivets aligned with the small drain holes will be
along the bottom of the element. These holes should point straight down when
the antenna is assembled and in its operating position. Note that the head of the
feedpoint connection bolt should be nearest the element mounting plate with the
bolt pointing straight down.
d) Tighten U-bolt nuts by alternating so that approximately an equal amount of U-bolt
is visible on each side. Continue to tighten until lock washer is flat and then 1/2
turn more.
The following procedure applies to both ends of the phasing line:
1. Identify the single, shorter terminated wire coming out of the dual coaxial cable
phasing line. This is the connection to the shields of the phasing lines.
2. Grease the terminal with silicone grease, then attach to the single small hole at the
outer edge of the element to boom mounting plate using 10-24 hardware as follows:
Pass the screw down through the plate. Follow below the plate with a flat washer,
the terminal, another flat washer, a split ring lock washer, and a nut.