001-0003-819 Rev 1
Page 28 of 48
Alltel Subscribers
Alltel uses both OTAPA and a manual process for provisioning modems. The OTAPA process is for
voice phones and is not normally possible with a modem. The manual process must be followed.
The ESN is entered into their database and an MDN and MIN number are assigned to the
account. The MDN is the number used to contact the modem and the MIN is an internal number
used for cellular network routing. Most of the time, these numbers are the same. It is very
important to program these numbers correctly. If numbers are reversed, the modem will not
work correctly. The MIN is automatically loaded with the MDN number. The MDN must be entered
AT$KWDIR=10-Digit (MDN) directory phone number from cellular carrier (without hyphens)
AT$KWMSID=10-Digit (MIN) number from cellular carrier (without hyphens) This only
needs to be entered if different than the MDN.
Call your phone to test activation. When it rings, confirm the number matches, answer and hang-
up to disconnect the call. (Do not enter the angle brackets, just the cell phone number without
AT+CDV<Phone Number>