Cairn MULTICAM Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

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+44(0)1795 590140


For the remaining images, an additional method of XY alignment on the three 

combiner cubes

 allows fine adjustment of the 

position of each image for precise pixel alignment in your imaging software.

D) Centre the remaining images

Often MultiCam units are supplied with populated filter cubes, however (if required), these can be installed using the guidance 
notes below. Please note for all our emission splitter range we only recommend Chroma Ultra-Flat 2mm dichroic mirrors to 
minimise distortion. Please let us know if you require any filter assistance.

E) Filter cube assembly

1. Identify 

port (2)

* and 

combiner cube (1)


With the 

rectangular aperture

 still in view, centre the image on 

port (2)

 (using the 1.5mm allen key provided) by 


adjusting the 

H&V controls


combiner cube (1)



Similarly, centre the camera on 

port (3)


with the 

H&V controls


combiner cube (2)


Finally, centre 

port (4)

 with the 

H&V controls


combiner cube (3)


Note all the reflected images will be mirrored and will need to be flipped in your imaging  software if overlaid.


Replace the calibration cubes with populated filter cubes for multi-channel imaging (see section E).   


Open the 

rectangular aperture

 to slightly larger than the camera(s) field of view to minimize scattered light.

* MultiCam units may also be supplied with three output ports as an option, with upgrade potential for a forth camera. If so, port 
2 will be absent, however, alignment steps for all other ports remain the same.

In addition to the two positions in the filter cube, there is also an 

auxiliary holder

 on each camera output port to accommodate 

interference (bandpass) filters, long pass filters, ND filters, rotating polarisers, cylindrical lenses or Z-plane shifting lenses. The 
holders supplied with the unit have an angled thread (indicated by angled line on the top) to avoid back reflections from filter 
surfaces, however if using lenses or a polariser, then a flat holder is required. These can be purchased separately.

F) Auxiliary component mounts

Please consult filter manufacturers instructions regarding orientation of the filter.

Installing Dichroic Mirrors into the Cairn Filter Cube

Installing Filters into the Cairn Filter Cube

Remove the 4 screws and 

seperate the two halves.

Replace the top half and 

resecure the screws.

Place the dichroic, followed by 

spring clip in 

the recess

Remove the dichroic spring clip










Turn the locking 

ring anticlockwise

to remove it.

Carefully place 

the recess.

Replace the locking

ring and rotate it

clockwise to secure.
