Personal Ambulatory Oxygen System
Provider Technical Manual
PN 20631679 Rev D
4. Lift the Control Board out of the Unit. Cut the green cable tie to the silicone tube that is connected to the sensor
as shown in Figure 42. Disconnect the silicone tube that is attached to the sensor. Cut the green cable ties to the
silicone tubes that are connected to the flow tube as shown in Figure 42. Disconnect the silicone tubes that are
attached to the flow tube.
5. Pinch or plug the silicone tube coming from the ATF product port and secure with a cable tie.
6. Remove the Control Board Assembly.
7. To install a new Control Board Assembly, cut the cable tie used to pinch the silicone tube coming from the
product tank. Attach this tube and the tubes from the Proportional Valve and from the Product Tank to the flow
tube as shown in Figure 42. Secure with a cable tie. Connect the silicone tube to the sensor as shown in Figure
42. Secure with a cable tie. Place the 2 screws in the sheet metal bracket as shown in Figure 43. Inspect the tubing
to ensure the tubing is not kinked.
8. Lower the Control Board Assembly into the Unit Case only to where the aligning pins go
through the sheet metal bracket; make sure the sheet metal bracket is 1/8” above the supporting ribs – this will
ensure the 2 screws stay in the bracket and do not fall in the unit case as shown in Figure 43. Start the 2 screws
by turning them 2 times into the unit case. After starting both screws, lower the Control Board Assembly onto
the supporting ribs; tighten the 2 screws to the unit case.
Figure 43: Control Board Installation.
9. Connect the Inlet Air Temperature, Data Communications Port, Power Manager PC Board Communications,
Proportional Valve wire harness and Buzzer wire harnesses as shown on Figure 42.
10. Refer to “Flow Calibration” in EDAT User Manual (PN 5419-SEQ) to calibrate Eclipse 5 with new Control Board.
11. Installation of the unit cover on the unit is described in the Remove and Replace of the Unit Cover.
Lift Bracket
1/8” above