Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009)
Tel:+86 592 5901215
Picture 4-1-14
If select Oray, please visit www.oray.com to finish registration of user name
and domain name, this gateway supply user registration, user update, and using
help shortcut button, user click corresponded button to enter into Oray website
quickly, then infill obtained user name and password information into
corresponding places, then confirm “SUBMIT” to save.
user when log in Oray server.
password when login Oray server.
User registration page link to Oray website quickly.
User updating page link to Oray website quickly.
User help page link to Oray website quickly.
If use DDNS function, gateway “
system status
” supplies DDNS updating
situation, and it is convenient for users to check DDNS whether it works
normally. If update successfully, it will display Updated. As for Oray, there are 3
domain name updated successfully. Picture as follows:
Picture 4-1-15
Notice: Only when the IP address assigned by ISP is global address, wireless
gateway can use as center server. Now in China, only telecom CDMA 20001X
and CDMA2000 EVDO 3G network have the global IP address.