To use the calendar, follow these steps:
Choose the desired year by touching
the left or right matting. Touch the top
matting to select. If your frame doesn’t
have any photos from this year, the year
will not be available for selection.
Choose the desired month by touching
the left or right matting, and then touch
the top of the matting. Only those
months for which your frame has photos
are selectable.
Touch the left and right matting to
choose the desired date in the selected
month, and then touch the top of the
matting. You can also select all photos
for a particular month.
Touch the bottom matting to resume
your Picture Show.
Your frame comes with several advanced
settings. To change them, follow these
Touch any part of the matting to show
the onscreen controls.
Touch and keep your fi ngers on the
bottom and right matting. After a few
seconds, the screen changes to show
your frame’s main options.
If necessary, touch the left or right mat-
ting to select Frame Preferences.
Touch the top of the matting. Th e
screen changes again to show the
preferences list.
Select the setting that you want to
change by touching the right matting to
move one line down in the list or the left
matting to move one line up.
Select All
To include all the photos in your frame
in your Picture Show, choose Select All
from the list of options, and touch the
top of the matting. Th is is your frame’s
original setting.
Select All Horizontal Photos
To show wide photos only (for proper
orientation on a horizontally placed
frame), choose Select All Horizontal
from the list of options, and touch the
top matting.
Select All Vertical Photos
To show tall photos only (for proper
orientation on a vertically placed frame),
choose Select All Vertical from the list of
options, and touch the top matting.
Select By Thumbnail
To choose among all your photos,
choose Select By Th umbnail from the
list of options, and touch the top matting.
Th e screen changes to show a series of
thumbnails, or smaller versions of all
the photos in your frame.
Move to a photo to include by
touching the left and right matting,
and touch the top matting to select
this photo. Continue selecting as many
photos as you like, and then touch the
bottom of the matting to resume your
Picture Show.
Select By Date(s)
To choose photos from a particular date,
choose Select By Date(s) from the list
of options, and touch the top of the
matting. Th e screen changes to show a