9 So ware Tools
CAEN provides so ware tools to interface the 724 digi zer family, which are available for free download at
www.caen.it following the path:
Home / Products / Firmware/So ware / Digi zer So ware
CAENUpgrader is free so ware composed of command line tools together with a Java Graphical User In-
CAENUpgrader, for the N6724 , allows in few easy steps to:
• Upload different FPGA firmware versions on the digi zer
• Read the firmware release of the digi zer and the bridge (when included in the communica on chain)
• Manage the firmware license, in case of DPP firmware
• Upgrade the internal PLL
• Get the Board Info file, useful in case of support
The so ware relies on the CAENComm and CAENVMELib libraries (see Chap.
) and re-
quires third-party Java™ SE 8 update 40 (or later) to be installed.
Fig. 9.1:
CAENUpgrader Graphical User Interface
CAENUpgrader installa on package can be downloaded on CAEN web site (
login required
) at:
Home / Products / Firmware/So ware / Digi zer So ware / Configura on Tools / CAENUpgrader
CAEN provides a guide to the so ware features and usage
, free downloadable at the web page above.
: CAENUpgrader is available for Windows® pla orms (32 and 64-bit) as stand-alone version (all the
required CAEN libraries are installed locally with the program). Only the drivers for the specific commu-
nica on link must be installed apart by the user. The CAENUpgrader version for Linux® pla orm is not
stand-alone, so it needs the required libraries to be installed apart by the user.
UM3247 - N6724 User Manual rev. 10