8 Drivers
In order to interface with the board, CAEN provides the drivers for the supported physical communica on
channels and compliant with Windows® and Linux® OS:
CONET Op cal Link
, managed by the A2818 PCI card or the A3818 PCIe card. The driver installa on
package is available on CAEN website in the “So ware/Firmware” tab at the A2818 or A3818 page
login required
: For the installa on of the Op cal Link driver, refer to the User Manual of the specific card.
USB 2.0
Drivers are downloadable on CAEN website (www.caen.it) in the “So ware/Firmware” tab
at the N6724 page (
login required
: CAEN provides a guide on the installa on instruc ons for USB drivers in Microso Windows OS
CAEN libraries are a set of middleware so ware required by CAEN so ware tools for a correct func oning.
These libraries, including also demo and example programs, represent a powerful base for users who want
to develop customized applica ons for the digi zer control (communica on, configura on, readout, etc.):
is a high level library designed to completely control exclusively CAEN digi zers running
DPP-PHA firmware.
The library allows the user to manage all the relevant board se ngs, DPP parameters configura on,
data acquisi on storage. Configura on of synchronized start/stop acquisi on is supported in mul -
board hardware setup, as well as the single board can be configured for coincidences or an coinci-
dences among channels. Histograms are built at the library level and managed through specific library
func ons; other advanced histogram func onali es are provided (e.g. histogram recovery). Lists of
data can be automa cally saved to output files. The CAENDPP library is based on the CAENDigi zer
library, therefore
CAENDigi zer must be already installed on your PC before installing the
The CAENDPPLib installa on package and relevant documenta on are available on CAEN website in
the ”Download” tab at the CAENDPPLib Library page.
: CAENDPPLib must be used only with x724 modules running DPP-PHA firmware.
CAENDigi zer
is a library of func ons designed specifically for the Digi zer families suppor ng both
waveform recording firmware and DPP firmware. The CAENDigi zer library is based on the CAEN-
Comm library. For this reason,
the CAENComm libraries must be already installed on the host PC
before installing the CAENDigi zer
The CAENDigi zer installa on package and relevant documenta on
are available on CAEN web-
site in the ”Download” tab at the CAENDigi zer Library page.
UM3247 - N6724 User Manual rev. 10