Cadillac CUE Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-MidEast-10260791) -
2017 - crc - 1/13/16
If a destination address or location
being entered is outside of the
country, the country abbreviation
must be added after the address.
Spelling Mistakes
The system is able to offer
alternatives if the searched term is
not found exactly. The system uses
the closest term it finds and
provides those results.
The system first searches the
entered term exactly. If no matches
are found, partial words are used.
Search in Process
Touch the Search button, and the
results screen displays with the
activity indicator. There is a
non-selectable List item in the list
that says
to indicate
that it is in process.
Once the results are found, the
correct list screen will display.
No Results Found
If no results are found from an
entered search term, a pop-up
displays indicating there are no
results found. Touch the OK screen
button to return to the
keyboard view.
Results Display
If only a single match is found at the
end of a search, the list is not
shown but the Destination Details
view is shown. Touch Back from the
Destination Details view to go back
to the results list screen. If it was a
POI search, the Continue POI
Search button is available in case
that was not the desired POI.
Places of Interest (POI)
While at the Home Page, touch the
NAV screen button to display a view
of the map. Touch the
DESTINATION screen button to go
to the destination entry views.
1. Touch the POIs screen button
to display a list of POI
The first list item in every POI
list is a search function. For the
highest level of categories,
touch the Spell Name screen
button or select a category and
search within that selection.
2. Select a POI category to
display subcategories.
3. If a selected subcategory has
no results in the surrounding
area, the search is expanded
until a result is found.
4. If a high-level category is
selected, such as restaurants,
the map zooms in to the region
near the vehicle
s position to
show the nearest matches.