lnput power
4 Ohm RMS Power
2 Ohm RMS Power
4 Ohm Bridged Power
Frequency Response
S/N Ratio
lnput lmpedance
lnput Voltage
Minimum THD
AdjustaЫe Bass Boost
High Pass Crossover
Low Pass Crossover
Dimensions (L х W х Н)
lnput power
4 Ohm RMS Power
2 Ohm RMS Power
4 Ohm Bridged Power
Frequency Response
S/N Ratio
lnput lmpedance
lnput Voltage
Minimum THD
AdjustaЫe Bass Boost
High Pass Crossover
Low Pass Crossover
Dimensions (L х W х Н)
Q 1202
11-15V DC
60Watts х 2
90Watts х 2
130Watts х 1
22K Ohms
0/+6 /+12dB
11.02" х 7.10" х 2.05"
11-15V DC
60Watts х 4
60Watts х 2 + 90 Watts х 2
60 Watts х 2 + 130 Watts х 1
22K Ohms
0 /+6 /+12dB
12.68" х 7 .1 О" х 2.05"
Thank you for purchasing а Саdепсе Q series amplifier. Over the past
years, the technology used to create audio amplifiers has grown Ьу
leaps and bounds, our competition is satisfied with just continuing to
build the same units year after year without thought for improve
ment,but поt us. We consider it our mission to use our expertise iп
developing the latest technologies апd to bring you the absolute
best sounding, most powerful amplifiers оп the market апd of course
at а rеаsопаЫе price. We are very proud to introduce Q Series
Amplifiers. You will Ье amazed at the quality апd power that these
пеw amps offer. You will "Boom-Harder!" with Q series amplifiers. We
have spared по ехрепsе iп designing these amplifiers, creating the
most rugged, reliaЫe, powerful and best performing amplifiers.
Please read this installation guide carefully for ргорег use of your
Саdепсе power amplifier.
Use of this amplifier at extreme high volumes
for extended periods of time may cause hearing loss апd or hearing
damage. During periods of prolonged high volume levels it is recom
mended that you use ear safety devices. Playing Cadence amplifiers
at high volume levels while driving will impair your abllity to hear
necessary traffic sounds. While driving always keep your sound
volume at геаsопаЫе levels. We at Саdепсе want you listening for
mапу years to come.
When installing the amplifier, secure it tightly. Ап unmounted
amplifier iп your саг сап cause serious injury to passengers апd
damage to your vehicle if it is set iп motion Ьу ап abrupt driving
maneuver ог short stop.