1. Attach hot shoe of the external flash to that of the receiver, or use the flash’s connection
cable to connect the receiver and the flash.
2. Switch on the power of the receiver.
3. Set the channel of the receiver according to the table above so that it is the same as
that of the transmitter. The switch of the receiver is inside the power compartment.
4. Press the “TEST” button of the transmitter. The light on the transmitter will be on, so as
that of the receiver. Both lights are on means that both the transmitter and the receiver
are working in good condition.
5. Attach the hot shoe of the transmitter to the hot shoe of the camera.
6. If your camera does not have a hot shoe, plug the 3.5mm plug of the camera’s
connection cable to the jack of the transmitter’s X synchronic cable; connect another
side of the camera’s connection cable to the jack of the camera’s X synchronic cable.
7. More than one receiver can be used to work with the transmitter.