Search Head Position
It is essential that the search head is kept close and parallel to the ground as in B. Do not hold the
search head too high above the ground, or at an odd angle as in A, C, D as you will be apt to miss
For extremely small object searching, such as coins, rings, nuggets, etc. lower the search coil to
within 1 inch of the ground. Sweeping the coil from side to side in a straight line in front of you.
Keep the coil at a constant height as you sweep from side to side. Move the coil at a rate of 1
metre per second in MOTION and 0.5 metre per second in PINPOINT.
The optimum sweep rate must be determined by each operator. The detector should be held
comfortably in the hand, with the coil held as closely to the ground as possible. As the detector is
scanned from side to side in front of the operator, the search coil should be advanced
approximately two-thirds the diameter of the coil. This keeps the operator moving ahead, and it
allows some overlapping of each sweep. This overlapping ensures that nothing will be missed. It
is well to note here that the operator should not rush. This is one of the most common mistakes
made by detector users. If you rush, you will not adequately cover the ground.