CM2 Sidescan Sonar User Manual
23. ROV and AUV Configurations
ROV Configurations
The CM2 system is suitable for use on remotely-operated vehicles (ROVs). In place of the towfish in a towed
system, the “sonar head” consists of the acoustic transducers and an ROV bottle containing the towfish
electronics. The transducers may be mounted close together, as they are on the towfish, or apart on either
side of the vehicle. Extension cables can be fitted between the bottle and the transducers.
ROV-mounted Components
The standard ROV configuration relies on the availability of a spare pair of conductors in the umbilical for use
in powering the ROV bottle and providing the telemetry link between the bottle and the STR, in the same way
as the tow cable in a towed system.
An STR and PC at the surface complete the system.
The bulkhead on the end of the electronics bottle is held in place by a retainer, instead of the fin/keel
assembly as on the towfish, but otherwise much of the description of the operation and maintenance of the
towed system in this manual is also applicable to the ROV system. Note that the towfish mute command is
particularly useful on an ROV, allowing the effect of other sonars and also of mechanical and propulsion
noise can be assessed.
Custom configurations are also possible, such as where the telemetry is multiplexed with other ROV
functions and the electronics bottle is powered from the vehicle supply.
AUV Configurations
The CM2 system is suitable for use on autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). These are configured to
suit the individual requirements of the AUV. AUV configurations are outside the scope of this manual,
although sections of the manual may be relevant and be referenced in AUV documentation.
Version 3.6 (2008)