Recording lnstructions
There are total of (6) recording times.Each one can be programmed
with a separate ON/OFF Time and Day.
To delete an event press the CLEAR/RECALL Button for each ON and
OFF time to clear the times. Four dashes will appear to verify that the
event is now inactive.
The CLEAR/RECALL Button can be used to clear the event ON or OFF
time or if you press it again the previous time programmed in that event
will display.
lf you are recording a four hour talk show that starts at 11:00 PM
on Monday,be sure to change the end time DAY to Tuesday.
Quick Checklist for Time
Recording from a Radio
Has the tape been inserted correctly and rewound?
Have you reset the counter?
Is the Timer Switch on?
Are the RECORD
PLAY Buttons down?
Is it set to the correct speed?
Is your radio on and at an appropriate volume?
Is the VOICE ACTIVATED Switch turned off?
Is the PAUSE Button released?
Check ON and OFF times.Make sure they have the correct day time
and AM and PM.lf you want silent recording verify that the volume is
turned down on the VersaCorder.
Tips and Notes
VersaCorder Page 11