Thank you for choosing a BWT branded product.
The equipment you have purchased has been designed and manufactured in Italy by
highly quali
ed personnel. The construction re
ects the high quality standards that have
always been the hallmark of ourequipment.
The device does not present any danger to the user if used according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
The user must consult them and follow the instructions provided on the appliance.
Before carrying out any operation on the appliance, it is essential to read this manual
carefully, paying particular attention to the “SAFETY WARNINGS”.
Keep the manual near the appliance, in a dry place and protected from atmospheric
The manual must be kept until the
nal dismantling of the appliance and, in the event of
a change of owner, must be handed over to the new owner.
The equipment mentioned in this installation, use and maintenance manual of the
AQA DRINK Ho.Re.Ca. series (all models)
complies with the following general safety
requirements (all models) comply with the general safety requirements of the
following legislation:
D.M. 25/12 regulation on technical provisions concerning equipment for the treatment of
drinking water.
D.M. 174 of 6 April 2004 concerning materials and objects that can be used in
installations for the collection, treatment, adduction and distribution of water intended
for human consumption.
Legislative Decree n°31/2001 “implementation of Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of
water intended for human consumption”.
89/336/EEC, on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility.
73/23/EEC and complies with the speci
c requirements of the UNI EN ISO 12100–1: 2005
and UNI EN ISO 12100–2: 2005 standards.
As far as the electrical equipment is concerned, the appliance conforms to EN 60204–1
(1992), 44/5 (1993) CEI 64–8 (1993) EN 60335 and EN 60335–2–24 (safety of household
and similar electrical installations) and to the standards concerning electromagnetic
compatibility EN 50081–50082.
D.L. 151 of 22 July 2005 on the reduction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical
and electronic
equipment, as well as the disposal of waste.
BWT Italia S.r.l. operates with a cert
ed Quality System in accordance with the
requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, with Certi
ate No. 677 issued by the
Le apparecchiature indicate nel presente manuale di installazione uso e manutenzione della serie
(tutti i modelli)
sono conformi alle prescrizioni generali di sicurezza previste dalla seguente legislazione:
D.M. 25/12 regolamento recante disposizioni tecniche concernenti apparecchiature per il trattamento di acque potabili.
D.M. 174 del 6 aprile 2004 concernente i materiali e gli oggetti che possono essere utilizzati negli impianti fissi di captazione,
trattamento, adduzione e distribuzione delle acque destinate al consumo umano.
Decreto Legislativo n°31/2001 “attuazione della direttiva 98/83/CE relativa alla qualità delle acque destinate al consumo
89/336/CEE, per il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alla compatibilità elettroma-gnetica.
73/23/CEE e risponde ai requisiti specifici delle norme UNI EN ISO 12100–1 :2005 e UNI EN ISO 12100–2: 2005.
Per l’equipaggiamento elettrico l’apparecchio è conforme alle Norme EN 60204–1 (1992), 44/5 (1993) CEI 64–8 (1993) EN 60335
ed EN 60335–2–24 (sicurezza degli impianti elettrici d’uso domestico e similare) e alle normative inerenti la compatibilità
elettromagnetica EN 50081–50082.
D.L. 151 del 22 luglio 2005 in materia di riduzione dell’uso di sostanze pericolose nelle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche,
nonché lo smaltimento dei rifiuti.
BWT Italia Srl opera con Sistema Qualità certificato in ottemperanza a quanto prescritto dalla Normativa UNI EN ISO 9001:2008,
con Certificato n. 677 emesso dall’ente CERTIQUALITY
The equipment mentioned in this installation, use and maintenance manual of the
BWT AQA DRINK Ho.Re.Ca. series (all models)
complies with the following general safety requirements (all models) comply with the general safety requirements of the
following legislation:
D.M. 25/12 regulation on technical provisions concerning equipment for the treatment of drinking water.
D.M. 174 of 6 April 2004 concerning materials and objects that can be used in fixed installations for the collection, treatment,
adduction and distribution of water intended for human consumption.
Legislative Decree n°31/2001 “implementation of Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption”.
89/336/EEC, on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility.
73/23/EEC and complies with the specific requirements of the UNI EN ISO 12100–1: 2005 and UNI EN ISO 12100–2:
2005 standards.
As far as the electrical equipment is concerned, the appliance conforms to EN 60204–1 (1992), 44/5 (1993) CEI
64–8 (1993) EN 60335 and EN 60335–2–24 (safety of household and similar electrical installations) and to the
standards concerning electromagnetic compatibility EN 50081–50082.
D.L. 151 of 22 July 2005 on the reduction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment,
as well as the disposal of waste.
BWT Italia S.r.l. operates with a certified Quality System in accordance with the requirements of UNI EN
ISO 9001:2008, with Certificate No. 677 issued by the CERTIQUALITY body.
Gentile Cliente,
Ti ringraziamo per aver scelto un prodotto a marchio BWT.
L’apparecchio da te acquistato è stato studiato e costruito in Italia da personale altamente qualificato.
La costruzione evidenzia gli elevati standard di qualità che hanno da sempre contraddistinto le nostre
L’apparecchio non presenta pericoli per l’utilizzatore se usato secondo le istruzioni fornite dal costruttore.
L’utilizzatore dovrà consultarle e attenersi alle istruzioni fornite sullo stesso.
Prima di intraprendere qualunque operazione sull’apparecchio, è indispensabile leggere attentamente
questo manuale prestando particolare attenzione alle “AVVERTENZE DI SICUREZZA”.
Conservare il manuale in prossimità dell’apparecchio, in luogo asciutto e protetto da agenti atmosferici.
Il manuale deve essere conservato fino allo smantellamento finale dell’apparecchio e, in caso di cambio
del proprietario, andrà consegnato al nuovo proprietario.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a BWT branded product.
The equipment you have purchased has been designed and manufactured in Italy by highly qualified
personnel. The construction reflects the high quality standards that have always been the hallmark of our
The device does not present any danger to the user if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The user must consult them and follow the instructions provided on the appliance.
Before carrying out any operation on the appliance, it is essential to read this manual carefully, paying
particular attention to the “SAFETY WARNINGS”.
Keep the manual near the appliance, in a dry place and protected from atmospheric agents.
The manual must be kept until the final dismantling of the appliance and, in the event of a change of owner,
must be handed over to the new owner.