1993,1995,1998,2001 BVM Ltd.
4. Installation
The BVME4000/6000 module is inserted into a vacant VMEbus slot. If it is to function as the system
controller, then it should be positioned in slot 1. It passes through all VMEbus daisy chained arbitration
IACK should be jumpered to IAKIN on the backplane at slot 1. All interrupt IAKIN to IAKOUT and BGIN
to BGOUT signals should be jumpered across vacant slots to the right of the module.
If it is not the system controller, it may be located in any of the VMEbus slots to the right of the
VMEbus system controller.
To install the BVME4000/6000:
Ensure all backplane jumpers associated with the slot for the BVME4000/6000 are removed.
Ensure the BVME4000/6000 module is correctly configured for the target system.
If the Parallel interface is to be used, plug in the parallel cable to JP3 (if not using the P2
Connect the SCSI cable to the 50 way SCSI connector on the BVME4000/6000 (if not using
the P2 connections), ensure the correct polarity.
Insert the BVME4000/6000 module into the rack pushing the VMEbus connector fully home.
Secure the BVME4000/6000 into the rack with the two fixing screws top and bottom.
Plug in serial cables to JP1 and/or JP2 (if not using the P2 connections).
If using Cheapernet, connect the Cheapernet BNC-T connector to the BVME4000/6000 BNC
connector or if using the optional 10BaseT, connect the RJ45 connector to the
BVME4000/6000 RJ45 connector.
Connect the IP I/O connections to the two 50 way front panel connectors.
Ensure that the configuration switch is set up correctly for the software installation.
Ensure the correct application EPROM's are fitted.
Removal is the reverse of assembly.
If the test or application software fails, ensure that all installation instructions have been correctly
carried out. Some typical reasons for incorrect operation are:-
Socketed components may become disturbed in transit. Push home all socketed components
where suspect.
The BVME4000/6000 module uses the VMEbus Address modifier codes to determine address
significance. Ensure the host CPU module produces the correct address modifier codes.
Ensure that all links are configured to the default set-up or that any alterations to the default
are correctly configured.
Ensure that the VMEbus backplane (if used) is correctly configured with regard to the daisy-
chain signal jumpers and the IACK termination jumpers (if any).
The BVME4000/6000 CPU requires adequate airflow across it to ensure correct operation. A heatsink
may need to be fitted to the CPU - refer to "Appendix E Thermal Management (on page 68)" for more